Enjoying a cozy, rainy morning, my dark coffee, and leisurely reading
Enjoying a cozy, rainy morning, my dark coffee, and leisurely reading
No work today due to the rain, so I'm lazing in bed finishing up this huge project while listening to Watership Down. You won't hear any complaints about Monday from me today.
#LitsyCrafters #crossstitch #classics #rainydayreads
When it's a crappy, rainy day and all you want to do it read but someone won't let you sit down (thanks Tiny Terrorist) and your teen steals your earbuds and won't give them back (jerk) you improvise!
Managing to get supper in the slow cooker, finally use up those bananas I've been avoiding tossing out, got cookies on the go AND a few chapters in? I'll call that a superpower
#MultitaskLikeAPro #RainyDayReads #WhateverWorks #ReadWhenYouCan
Spring means less time for Print Books and more #listenwhileyouwork. April 15th is the magical date for planting warm weather veggies and flowers. Until then plenty on the Spring Gardening To Do List. So a short Spring Stack concentrating on #botm & recent purchases that I'm excited for. And apparently Titles that begin with The. Will tag the rest in comments. 👩🏻🌾🌧📚
#hellospring #springstack #rainydayreads
Reading by candlelight on this rainy day as we are currently without power. #rainydayreads
It‘s pouring rain, time for a blanket and a book!
#rainydayreads #stephenking #thetommyknockers #rainydays
Perfect morning. Already through the first 50 pages... #thesilentpatient #morningreads #rainydayreads🌧
Rainy Sunday morning reading with my favorite kiddo. I love how he always ends up sitting in/on a pile of books like he‘s a tiny book-hoarding dragon. I also really love this book!!
#raisingreaders #rainydayreads #sundayreads
Oooo this is getting good! #socksunday #rainydayreads
Rainy days are made for staying in bed with a good book 🌧😴📖
** I‘m really enjoying Storm Glass thus far. Jeff Wheeler‘s Muirwood books are some of my all-time favorite fantasy novels, and I‘m starting to love the Harbinger world just as much ** #RainyDayReads #Fantasy #HarbingerSeries