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Sail Away | Donald Crews
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I skipped #sister oops! I think I‘ve used this quote before but it‘s one I really like so🤷‍♀️. Also, I normally make my own image but I was lazy today. #wind #Quotsy #QuotsyFeb18 #LitsyQuoteChallenge

Velvet | Temple West
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A Collection of Quotable Quotes | Cameron House, Bookwise International
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#QuotsyMay18 starts May 1!👆Here's a brief explanation about the monthly Quotsy challenge for anyone wondering what it's all about.

Ideally, your quote would be from a book & you'd tag it in your post, but you can use quotes from movies, song lyrics, interviews, etc. Ultimately, it's about sharing your love of words. If a quote is meaningful to you, it doesn't matter if it's not from a book!

Feel free to comment if you have questions!

You can also find info under the #QuotsyHost hashtag, or check out the hashtags from previous months to see examples (eg #QuotsyApril18, #QuotsyMarch18, #QuotsyFeb18, etc.)
TK-421 And here's a link to the original post of May's prompts so you can save a copy for reference: http://litsy.com/p/VGJ3aFh1T3BT 6y
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Mistborn: The Final Empire | Brandon Sanderson
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kamoorephoto Hoping to get this book signed by him on Friday!! 7y
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The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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"A criminal strain ran in his blood, which, instead of being modified, was increased and rendered infinitely more #dangerous by his extraordinary mental powers." #QuotsyFeb18 #QuotsyCatchup

Luminous Chaos: A Novel | Jean-Christophe Valtat
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“When in doubt, do what they do in books, was one of Gabriel‘s secret mottos and - that rarest of things - a principle that he actually lived by.”

#rare #QuotsyFeb18

Gabriel D‘Allier may be a rake and a rapscallion, but he is also oh so very quotable.

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Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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"No, it is not selfishness or conceit...If I claim full justice for my art, it is because it is an impersonal thing--a thing beyond myself. Crime is common. Logic is #rare. Therefore it is upon the logic rather than upon the crime that you should dwell. You have degraded what should have been a course of lectures into a series of tales." #QuotsyFeb18

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Dolly Love Dr Seuss! He was a local author and there are statues here dedicated to him. I actually live next town over from Whoville! 7y
Andrew65 @Dolly My Mum did not like him AT ALL and I was not allowed to read him as a child, so taken pleasure in soaking up the books as an adult! 7y
ephemeralwaltz This is my favorite by him! So inspiring! Your story is crazy - I'm glad you're reading him now🙌🙌 7y
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Dolly She did not like him when you read? She did not like him in your head? She didn‘t like him here nor there? She did not like him anywhere? I couldn‘t resist ☺️ 7y
BookishMe @Dolly 👏🏽👏🏽 7y
BookishMe A book to read anytime, again and again!! 7y
Andrew65 @Dolly 😂👍 7y
Andrew65 @ephemeralwaltz My Mum gave me love of reading and particularly historical fiction but wouldn‘t entertain Dr Seuss! 7y
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I read this book twice as a teen. Each time I was sure that the end would be different and that the camp she was held at would be liberated in time. I don‘t know how she could ever have been #happy given her circumstances but I‘m eternally grateful that we have her words to remind us of the horrors of the world, but the hope that people can still possess. #Quotsy #QuotsyFeb18 #LitsyQuoteChallenge

dariazeoli ❤️ 7y
BookwormM I was exactly the same when reading praying that the ending would change 7y
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