When your job gives you books to read to because they believe in success it‘s a win. #8of2025
When your job gives you books to read to because they believe in success it‘s a win. #8of2025
#MidwinterSolace #LitSolace
Every Wednesday, I will post an image, quote, or phrase, which will hopefully help you press pause, take a deep breath, and reset before going about your day.
Here's our #WednesdayWisdom 💙❄️💙
@TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit
📷 https://www.instagram.com/toyoufromsteph?igsh=MWVtbnczdXhsY2RlZw==
#MidwinterSolace #LitSolace
Activity - Create a mood board
I used to despise winter and the long dark nights. 5 years ago, I became very ill with brittle asthma, triggered by cold temperatures. I now have to spend most of the winter indoors to avoid flareups. Coming to terms with chronic, debilitating illness has been a task.
However, once I changed my mindset to focus on what I could do rather than couldn't, things began to improve.
I‘ve been a Malcolm Gladwell fan for a bit. This book focuses on how many most-known exceptional people became who they are. Much of it is experience in a field, and the luck of being in the right place, knowing the right people & even being born in the right year. One example in the book, Bill Gates & Steve Jobs, both born in 1955-the perfect age at the right time for tech enterprises, with unusual opportunities available at young ages.
If you have to read only one book about practice vs talent vs gene this is it.... Last two chapters are ethical and philosophical discussion based on scientific evidence..
A very good book
Interesting, and would be great for people who don‘t normally read about psychology. I enjoyed it but didn‘t feel I really learned anything new.
Two of three #Roll100 selections look good. That third one, “Outliers“ is one I'm not sure about so I've pulled it to get it off my shelf. I attempted another Gladwell book earlier this year but couldn't get into it.
Thanks @Puddlejumper for this challenge!
#SpringSkies Day 14: This feels like it #InvolvesHeist sort of. Big Bad Wolf book haul early this year.
Since its first publication in 1937, 'Think & Grow Rich' has been considered the best self-help book in the world. The book is often called the first Philosophy of Personal Achievement; it will not just change what one thinks, but it will literally change the way one thinks.