This book has ALL the potential to be my FAVORITE read of 2022!!!! Loving it 😎#PoolSideReads
This book has ALL the potential to be my FAVORITE read of 2022!!!! Loving it 😎#PoolSideReads
Well, I might as well make a post while I‘m here. Hello new social media world! I‘m not as weird as I seem reading books titled “Annihilation” and “Gospel” at the same time, I promise!
#firstpost #poolreads #poolsidereads #summerreading #gospel
Poetry with a cover this gorgeous begs to be read. #nowreading #CanLit #poolsidereads
Coolest random act of kindness today! The lovely lady a few chairs over from me finished this and offered it to me. What a gem! #vacation #poolsidereads #dontmakemegobacktony