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A Passage to India | E. M. Forster
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Ruthiella I have to say Adela got on my last nerve from the start. 11mo
Morr_Books Am I the only one surprised that they didn't ship Adela back to England immediately? Maybe that was the first available boat? 11mo
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Bookwormjillk @Morr_Books yes that was weird. Must have been the weather. 11mo
jenniferw88 @Ruthiella I knew what was coming from the start as it's a re-read - I so wanted my first hashtag about Adela to be #ihateadela, but wanted everyone to discover her toxicity for themselves. 11mo
willaful Adela is kind of a perfect Nice White Lady stereotype isn't she. Not because she's malicious, but way too much in her fee fees without noticing what she's doing to others. (edited) 11mo
dabbe @jenniferw88 And I might be dense here, but WHY oh WHY did she blame Aziz in the first place? What was her motive? Will we ever know? I'm having a difficult time understanding her and pretty much everyone else's actions in the story. An awkward read for me at best. 11mo
Daisey @dabbe I completely get the confusion here. When she‘s talking about the incident at one point she can‘t even clearly say whether anything really happened at all, so why blame someone? I really want more specific answers than the British are colonizers and therefore horrible people. 11mo
Ruthiella @jenniferw88 Now we can start a club! #Ihateadela 😂 11mo
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