Thank goodness day shifts are almost over for this rotation.. Yesterday consisted of 2.5 hours of overtime and cold pizza in the tub... All I needed was a glass of wine and couldn't find any 😩 #paramedicproblems
Thank goodness day shifts are almost over for this rotation.. Yesterday consisted of 2.5 hours of overtime and cold pizza in the tub... All I needed was a glass of wine and couldn't find any 😩 #paramedicproblems
Night shift be good to me.. I wanna be one with this book!! #paramedicproblems
Wish I could have picked up my book this afternoon.. Guess I should pay attention to the firefighters I was on standby for... #butmybookisgettinggood #paramedicproblems
Afternoon reading while we wait in the hall at work. Loved her first book of the trilogy "Storms of War". Can't wait to dig into these gem! #paramedicproblems #katewilliams