I've read it twice and preordered the next--now what am I going to do??? White Hot is a fantastic example of urban fantasy: Uber powerful alpha hero, but slowly, the heroine is revealed to be even more powerful. Yes!!! Desirable in this world isn't about gleaming teeth but ferocious magic (ignore the cover, in other words). Read it!! #romantsy. #keepers. #urbanfantasy. #romance. #alpha
Rebekaaah Literally just about to start this! 👍🏻 8y
Chachic LOVED this one! A favorite read for this year. I had to go back and reread Burn for Me right after finishing White Hot. I should read those two books again back to back.💖💖 8y
EloisaJames @Chachic I did the same thing. Now I don't want to get out of bed because...nothing as good to read. Going to troll #romantsy 8y
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Otherworld_Library Thanks Eloisa! Will try! 8y
CoffeeK8 This series is just amazing! 8y
BeckyLeJ What a great review, @EloisaJames! I was giving a copy of this one to my sister but now I might have to get one for myself as well! 8y
EloisaJames @BeckyLeJ you won't be disappointed!! I looked at Amazon--320 reviews, 5 stars! I didn't even know that was possible! 8y
Chachic @EloisaJames I know exactly how you feel! I was a bit lost after finishing Burn for Me and White Hot because I didn't know what else could be as good. Have you read all of their books? I was saving up their Innkeeper Chronicles and recently picked those up when I had a slump. 8y
EloisaJames @Chachic I've read every single word. Did you read the short story that preceded this series? Somewhat same idea but sci fi? I think it's called Silver Shark. I adore it 8y
Chachic @EloisaJames Silent Blade and Silver Shark! Yes, I reread both of them recently. If you happen to have recs similar to their writing style, would love to hear them.😊 8y
EloisaJames @Chachic I think Kresley Cole's Immortals after Dark is excellent too. But there's nothing like I's books that I know of. 😔 8y
Chachic @EloisaJames I'd have to look up Kresley Cole's books, haven't tried any of them yet. Thanks for the rec! 😊 And I agree, there's nothing like Ilona and Gordon's books. 8y
willreadforfeels @EloisaJames: This book is definitely making it to my top picks for 2017! I have reread this book about four times since it came out last week, and I've reread Burn for Me twice! Then I went and reread the Kinsmen books, Silver Shark and Silent Blade. I might reread it again tonight if I don't get to rewatch Wonder Woman. Nevada Baylor and Diana Prince have me obsessed. 8y
EloisaJames @willreadforfeels you and I are kindred readers! I did the same. Ilona and I are friends so I emailed her yesterday and suggested that the Silver Shark world would be so great to revisit! AND I asked if there's an ARC yet, and there isn't. #obsessedreadersunite 8y
willreadforfeels @EloisaJames: I started on my 5th reread of White Hot, on the premise that when you have a book hangover, hair of the dog that bit you is as valid a remedy as with alcohol! And if that turns out to be patently untrue, I'll happily come up with a different excuse for reading when I should be working. I've also stalked the Ilona blog for snippets and Rohan POV stuff and have read each relevant post a couple of times. #obsessedreadersunite #notsorry 8y
EloisaJames @willreadforfeels why why aren't there more writers like this?? I dove back into Indy-pubs looking for a miracle and didn't find one. 8y
willreadforfeels @EloisaJames: I also fangirl hard on Patricia Briggs and Mercedes Lackey but right now Ilona Andrews is it for me. 8y
EloisaJames @willreadforfeels me too 8y