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Sometimes I Lie | Alice Feeney
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Hey, Littens! I released a new single!! Please check out Sometimes I by SUUZ anywhere you listen to music!!! 🥰💃🎵🎶

wanderinglynn Awesome 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
LiteraryinPA I cannot express how bizarre it was to see your face as I was scrolling. I‘m so proud of you!! My sister is a singer songwriter!!!!!!! 4y
BennettBookworm Lollll @LiteraryinLititz !! Thank you!!! 😍 4y
BennettBookworm @wanderinglynn Thank you so much!!! (edited) 4y
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Untitled | Anonymous
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Considering the stuff that‘s been put into place tonight here in Massachusetts due to COVID-19, I am enjoying one last fry and coke from McDonald‘s.


Minimalgrl Washington state just closed everything! I know it‘s for the best ... glad I have books 📚🥰 5y
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Friendsgiving | Alexandra Shytsman
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This is what it looks like when friends get you and give you one of the best early Christmas presents.

I am honestly happy about this gift and I laughed until I had tears in my eyes when my friend gave them to me.


Films of Jacques Tati | Michel Chion
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My Summer Break officially ends today so tonight, as is my yearly tradition, I‘m watching Jacques Tati's Les Vacances de Monsieur Hulot.

Sending good thoughts out to all teachers who are heading back to their classrooms in the coming days!

#NonbookishPost #TeachersOfLitsy

JanuarieTimewalker13 I‘m so interested in this film now!! Going to see if my library has it👍🏽 5y
tournevis Nice! 5y
TobeyTheScavengerMonk @JanuarieTimewalker13 I hope you can track it down! It‘s a sweet little ode to Summer, made of silly almost wordless vignettes. 5y
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Spiderlight | Adrian Tchaikovsky
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The fact that I still made progress in Spiderlight through the big birthday weekend speaks to its awesomeness. My kiddos turned 5 and 2 (they are 3 years and 1 day apart) and much fun was had by all!


britt_brooke Aw! Happy birthday, cuties!! 5y
Louise Wow, how on earth did you find time to read with all that birthday energy swirling around you? Evenings after bedtime? Fun photo! 5y
marleed So sweet! 5y
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Cheerios Counting Book | Barbara Barbieri McGrath
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This guy just swiped his cereal into the floor and shouted “Oh no! All the Cheerios!” How‘s your day going?

In other news I have not had a chance to read much in the past few days.


Slajaunie Thayer are so cute but require so much energy. All worth it though. 💙💙💙 5y
Leftcoastzen Oh man!😂 5y
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Candy from Heaven | Nathaniel J Gadsden
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SEE WHAT I GOT???? DO YOU SEE IT??? Apologies to anyone not named @Kalalalatja or @irre for the #NonBookishPost.

ErikasMindfulShelf Yum!! I‘m going to Sweden next week. Can‘t wait to get some candy. 😍 5y
Soubhiville Ooooooo, that looks fun. 5y
Kaylamburson Yum!!! I love gummy and fruity candy!! 5y
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Christine I trust this is a Killing Eve-size bag of candy. 🍭🔪❤️ 5y
Kalalalatja You got ALL THE GOOD STUFF! 😍😍😍 enjoy! 5y
LeahBergen Yum!!! 5y
MicheleinPhilly @Christine You know it! 😋 5y
MicheleinPhilly @irre My wife kept teasing me that she had eaten it all. I was like, “YOU WERE ONLY THERE FOR 4 DAYS! HOW DID YOU EAT THAT MUCH CANDY?” I break out in a cold sweat if anyone messes with my små godis. 5y
MicheleinPhilly @Kalalalatja I‘m already figuring out how to ask my BIL to bring us more when he visits next week. That might be overkill though. Between the supermarket and the airport she bought like 6 pounds. 🥳 5y
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At the park with the kiddos, trying to stay in the shade.


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We‘re at our favorite Celtic music festival today. Great bands, including the fantastic Eileen Ivers. She‘s known as the “Jimi Hendrix of the fiddle.” And the venue—wooded and the perfect early summer temps—can‘t be beat.

Soubhiville Oh fun! I love Celtic music! 5y
Cathythoughts Looks like a great day 5y
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The Greenhouse | Auur A. lafsdttir, Brian Fitzgibbon
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Back to my volunteer work at my local green house. As promised, I am posting a picture of 1 of the 7 doggies that roam around while we work.

@GondorGirl this is Tater Tot who I told you about! She has actually interrupted my work quite a bit today by sitting on my lap while I was busy planting lol

By her who didn't quite fit into the pic is her side kick Babbit!

Also, happy Sunday everyone!

#dogsoflitsy #petsoflitsy #nonbookishpost

GondorGirl I love Tater Tot so much! She's just darling! 😍😍😍 6y
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