This is sort of last minute Louie but any #NCLittens or #Charlotte Litten want to join me tonight? It‘s a free event. I‘ll be there regardless.
This is sort of last minute Louie but any #NCLittens or #Charlotte Litten want to join me tonight? It‘s a free event. I‘ll be there regardless.
For anyone in Charlotte, this is a fantastic event. I‘m going if anyone wants to join me on the Monday, October 15. It‘s at Maggiano‘s at South Park. The ticket deadline is October 10 and you can get tickets online at http://wnba-charlotte.org/wnba/calendar/bibliofeast-tickets/ or in person (cash or check) at Park Road Books. #NClittens
This was our last beautiful sunset last night... I‘m thankful to have had a great week and that I have a home to come back to... My heart goes out to all of those affected by the hurricane 🙏🏻❤️ Do we know of any of our litten family affected?
NC and surrounding Littens we‘re meeting at the book festival in Winston Salem on Saturday!
Whoever‘s there during the day can meet me at the info booth at 10am, do the scavenger hunt and explore the festival, and we‘re having a formal meeting at 5:30pm for dinner! Email me your phone number for text updates! Leannallenart@gmail.com #litsyhappenings #litsymeetup #nclittens #winstonsalem
If you‘ve browsed this book, you know there is no resisting it for random facts fans. 😁 No one tell my husband I searched out the lovely indie bookstore, Sunrise Books (High Point, NC for my #nclittens), while I waited for my daughter today and purchased this for myself. Better yet, I told bookseller Laura about our community and I‘m pretty sure that @bramble is her. Welcome! #litsywelcomewagon
#NCLittens, there's a cool book event coming up next month including the tagged book, the pictured books, and Caitlin Hamilton Summie's To Lay to Rest Our Ghosts. It's a moveable feast with authors. Anyone want to go? I've already got my ticket. Info at http://WNBA-charlotte.org/bibliofeast-2017-is-monday-october-16-save-the-date.