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Blood Sisters | Vanessa Lillie
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So, I read this a few weeks ago and have really already forgot most of what happened(not to be mean)but that‘s the truth. I remember liking the story but it was really slow and just not so much for me….loved my picture though❤️🤷🏼‍♀️

Julsmarshall Great photo! 1d
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Blood Sisters | Vanessa Lillie
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Crooked families, drugs, land theft and mostly a story of missing and murdered Indigenous women (MMIWG2S) come together to make this outstanding twisty mystery set in NE Oklahoma written by a Citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

The Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Like @Centique said, this is not my favorite of the Love Medicine novels. Many characters are difficult to love, and there is less humor and more relentless depression. But I did love Fleur‘s final act. And I think I know what happened with Lipsha, but would love to discuss with anyone else who has read this. Number 10 for #24in2024 @Jas16

Jas16 Still haven‘t read this one. I need to. 2mo
Centique Im glad someone else has read this book! Whats your theory about Lipsha? 2mo
Lcsmcat @Centique I‘m wondering if she meant us to think he got away with it by being perceived as his father‘s hostage. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 2mo
Centique @Lcsmcat oh i like that theory. I was wondering if theyd all died because he saw his mothers ghost again - but i much prefer thinking he got out of there 2mo
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WHEREAS: Poems | Layli Long Soldier
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Blood Sisters | Vanessa Lillie
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Thank you @dabbe for creating this play~tag~share card & for the tag.

All Time Favorite:
1 - The Old Kingdom Series By Garth Nix.

2 - Blood Sisters by Vanessa Lillie.

Because I am obsessed:
3 - Batman!

dabbe TBR'ed #s 1 and 2. Who played your favorite Batman? Thanks for sharing! 💚💙💚 3mo
AnnCrystal @dabbe love George Clooney and Christian Bale... truthfully, I just watch for the suited-up guy, you know 😉👍. 3mo
dabbe @AnnCrystal I hear ya! I must admit that I adored Michael Keaton in the role. 😍 3mo
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AnnCrystal @dabbe 👏😉👍💝.

I read that David Giuntoli is the voice of an animated version 💝...he might have been better as Superman though...he has that look...
(edited) 3mo
bthegood YES Batman!!! I enjoyed them all - original, campy Adam West will always be my favorite though🙂 (edited) 3mo
AnnCrystal @bthegood 💕Adam West💝😉👍. I believe he played in the first feature-length movie of Batman too... 👏Legendary! (edited) 3mo
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Blood Sisters | Vanessa Lillie
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This was an amazing mystery. I like how focused this story was on “mystery“ and not graphic violence and gory scenes.

The story was not predictable, at least it kept surprising me, especially the last bit of chapter twenty and the last few chapters. Oh, that ending was spectacular! 👇

AnnCrystal My personal preference is female/male when it comes to romantic reads (I identify with this). Yet I am not opposed to reading LGBTQ+ stories (as main POV). This is my 4th LGBTQ+ story, and only the 2nd from the Two-Spirited POV. While this had little-to-no romance written into the storyline, I would have liked to read more about Syd's relationship with her wife before she left on the case, more about their turbulence. 👇 4mo
AnnCrystal Yet this story was tightly focused on the mystery, therefore, I suppose that there was enough info to understand.

When it came to violence and crime, the author was respectful to both readers and the victims within the story. At least in my opinion...

This book had depth with both the characters and the storyline. Vanessa Lillie gave a fantastic, suspenseful Mystery. Would like to discover that this was the beginning of a series!
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Tracks | Louise Erdrich
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This is a bail for me. I just wasn‘t connecting with it this time around, but I will probably give it another chance eventually. Erdrich‘s writing is generally quite good. Under normal circumstances, I think I would have enjoyed this. Perhaps because this is a prequel and I haven‘t read Love Medicine, or perhaps because of the magical realism elements which made me feel a bit distant from the characters, I just wasn‘t feeling it.

dabbe #hailthebail! 🩶🖤🩶 + 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
RaeLovesToRead Toe beans, belly floofs and beautiful big eyes 🥰🥰🥰🥰💕💕 4mo
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Blood Sisters | Vanessa Lillie
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I read a lot of mystery/crime fiction and it can start to feel exploitative, especially when the victims are BIPOC and the authors are white. Lillie is a Cherokee citizen, as is the main character here. This is a well written mystery centered around missing and murdered Indigenous women in a small Oklahoma town. There‘s more to it, of course, but no spoilers here. I‘m definitely interested in reading more of Lillie‘s work.

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Blood Sisters | Vanessa Lillie
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I didn't plan on reading this...I collect American Indigenous (and Canadian Aboriginal) books and authors (fictional and nonfiction), yet I don't always have the courage to read them.

It is difficult for me to explain. I best try now that I've mentioned this...

I've become squeamish over the years when it comes to graphic scenes and certain sensitive subjects. I prefer quick facts, not detailed.

With Native books, these feelings intensify. 👇

AnnCrystal In this case, when I weigh my ancestral histories, it makes such stories more terrifying (fiction or nonfiction).

The terror that swept across 2 continents over hundreds of years in a genocide against the original people of these lands we now call the Americas.

When I weigh these histories while considering all the missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls, it is clear that the genocide against my people is still happening. 👇
(edited) 4mo
AnnCrystal Therefore, graphic scenes and certain sensitive subjects in American Indigenous (and Canadian Aboriginal) stories horrifies me just a little bit differently, and I'm extra careful when I do try to read them. Selective.

With this book, I took a glimpse of the first page a few days ago, now I'm halfway through!

Vanessa Lillie seems respectful to her readers so far (at least for my tolerance level), and I'm sure this respect will continue...?
(edited) 4mo
Itchyfeetreader Thank you for sharing. 4mo
AnnCrystal @Itchyfeetreader 🥰👍💝. 4mo
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Blood Sisters | Vanessa Lillie
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It‘s been a struggle to stick with anything this past week. Nothing is holding my interest so I‘m just not reading much. I‘m hoping to change that by bailing on my #bookspin, since it‘s getting all “hidden/forbidden relationship” angsty and I wanted to supernatural, isolated setting, high body count, not angst, so I‘m mad at it. 😂 Fingers crossed that the tagged book grabs my attention and doesn‘t let go.

Ruthiella Good luck! 🤞 5mo
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