So here I was, quietly reading beside #mylilgabbi‘s crib when... 😍🤱🏻
So here I was, quietly reading beside #mylilgabbi‘s crib when... 😍🤱🏻
#mylilgabbi enjoys #readalouds, and she seems to like Eric Carle‘s books the most. I love that we have this set in her collection. It includes a pop-up book, they‘re all colorful, and they cover a variety of topics such as months in a year, counting, and many different animals. Bonus for me: she giggles every time we make animal sounds, and I swear, it‘s the most beautiful sound in the world. ❤️🤱🏻 #newbiemom
“It had been a very, very busy day,” but I‘m glad I made time for this tonight. This book is fun for #readalouds—#mylilgabbi enjoyed touching the embossed photos and she got intrigued by the different sounds we made to mimic the farm animals featured in this book. #raisingreaders #raisingreadersph #gabbisbooks
Tonight‘s selection: a pop-up book! She‘s at a cute age where she laughs at everything, and using goofy voices was such a hit that we read it twice. 🤓 A baby‘s laughter is indeed music to a mother‘s ears.🤱🏻 It was a great way to introduce her to photos of different kinds of food and basic counting. #readalouds #theveryhungrycaterpillar #ericcarle #gabbisbooks #mylilgabbi #raisingreaders #raisingreadersph #thejoysofmotherhood #newbiemom
#mylilgabbi prefers the rhymes of Dr. Seuss over touchy-feely books. 🤓
#gabbisbooks #readalouds #raisingreaders #raisingreadersph #drseuss
#mylilgabbi loved the part where we meowed, woofed, chirped, glub-glubbed, and squeaked. This is her running favorite book for #readalouds so far. #tailsarenotforpulling #bestbehaviourbookseries #gabbisbooks #raisingreaders #childrensbook #raisingreadersph
Today‘s #readaloud for #mylilgabbi. And no, the book doesn‘t tell babies that Schrodinger‘s cat could be dead, so it‘s an acceptable subject matter. 🤓 #childrensbook #raisingreadersph #raisingreaders