I really enjoyed this story! I can imagine both boys and girls would love this one. It's a great #middleschoolbookpick #goldensowernominee
It has the same flavor as a Lemony Snicket book.
I really enjoyed this story! I can imagine both boys and girls would love this one. It's a great #middleschoolbookpick #goldensowernominee
It has the same flavor as a Lemony Snicket book.
I really liked this book!
It's about an 11 yr. old girl dealing with the struggles of living one week with her mom and one week with her dad. She's also half white, half black. She loves playing piano, discovers the beauty in poetry, and is just basically trying to figure out just who she is. I loved this girl...I loved Isabella/Izzy. This is a great #middleschoolbookpick #goldensowernominee
Great conversation starters about race and divorce.
I loved this book!!
#middleschoolbookpick This is about a 12 yr old girl named June who has very strict parents. They not only want to control what books she reads..but what books the school allows in their library, in their school, in the hands of any middle school child. It's crazy. It's a little Fahrenheit 451-ish. June rebels, she tries to find a way to keep reading. She becomes the Rebel Librarian.
(Side note: I LOVE the school's librarian)