I have so many post-it flags in this book. I‘ve finished and am trying to digest how to review something that feels so powerful to me. #racialjustice #michaelericdyson #resistlist
I have so many post-it flags in this book. I‘ve finished and am trying to digest how to review something that feels so powerful to me. #racialjustice #michaelericdyson #resistlist
“Real American history is the sticky web in which black and white are stuck together.”
But read the whole passage above that, starting with “Liberal professor ...”
#quotesoflitsy #racialjustice #michaelericdyson #politics #blacklivesmatter
Hey guys Fall Break is coming up and I have been stress buying books all semester! I'm going to try to read 3 of these over the break! Have you read any of them? Where do I start?! 🖤📚 1. #whatthehelldidijustread #davidwong 2. #anartistofthefloatingworld #kazuoishiguro 3. #tearswecannotstop #michaelericdyson 4. #thelastdaysofjacksparks #jasonarnopp 5. #thecelestineprophecy #jamesredfield
This is an ABSOLUTE must read for those that want to understand better the problem of race in America. Go check out my in-depth blog post on Wordpress at www.browngirlreading.com #readsoullit #michaelericdyson #racerelations #blackmenwrite #nonfiction