My #March2018 #ReadingWrapUp. I've been playing around with my #bujo. It's not exactly like I envisioned it - I have never been good with scale. 😂 My favorites were The Gene and Nomadland.
My #March2018 #ReadingWrapUp. I've been playing around with my #bujo. It's not exactly like I envisioned it - I have never been good with scale. 😂 My favorites were The Gene and Nomadland.
March was fun. This was a combination of reading and audio. Lots of pages without graphic novels :)
I loved American Gods. Amazing. The Fifth Season was also surprisingly good. Sherlock I knew was great, but I was blown away by the narration of Stephen Fry.
#gezestats #monthlystats #stats #readingresolutions #wrapup #marchstats #readingstats #march2018
Her Las Vegas Wedding by Andrea Bolter. #March2018 #InTheMail #SignedBook #ThankYou #millsandboon #harlequin #WhatToRead #HarlequinRomance