Under the dust cover: library books differ from forever books.
Under the dust cover: library books differ from forever books.
I just recorded myself reading this too my students who are doing a hybrid/remote schedule. I love it. I think students of all ages will respond to it and feel inspired by it.
#ReallyRandomFebruary Day 2: I love how a child‘s #smile can be magnified a thousand fold in this narrative – its power so striking, its message so achingly simple. And how very little we do this everyday. Oftentimes we focus on the things that worry us, those which make us anxious, an aura of negativity surrounding us. This beautiful book shows how a #smile can change everything – can change the world, even. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-5bS
Adorable children‘s book about standing up for what is right!!
This is perfect for showing our voices of the future that it truly does only take one person to make a difference and make the world a better place.
Perfect for Kindergarten/first grade to demonstrate how children can get along and respect one another.
Reading this book for class, and we‘re about halfway through. I probably excessively annotate and bookmark, but I never have trouble finding what I need! #startsomethingthatmatters #nonfiction #blakemycoskie #toms
I am addicted to pencils and pens. There are worse things... 😬✏️
I really wanted to like this book and found the first few chapters really interesting, but I just could not connect with this author at all. Don‘t get me wrong, the organization is incredible I just couldn‘t read anymore and bailed on it halfway in.
The #cwpencil box arrived! The theme is cabin fever- I love this simple geeky box so much.