Doesn't Rebecca have a long and winding road?
#Longandwindingroad #Beatlemaynia @Eggs
Doesn't Rebecca have a long and winding road?
#Longandwindingroad #Beatlemaynia @Eggs
First thing that came to mind for #longandwindingroad I have loved these characters through so much of my life. Not much most of us wouldn‘t go through to get ‘home.‘ #beatlemaynia
My first thought for #LongandWindingRoad was Fellowship and this poem from it:
"The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say"
#BeatleMaynia @Eggs
A classic 1960‘s tale made into several Disney films; about two dogs and a cat that by instinct head west 300 miles through Canadian wilderness trying to find their way home.
#longandwindingroad #beatlemaynia
I have had this on my #TBR bookshelves for years. It is most definitely a #longandwindingroad until I actually read it! 🙄#beatlemaynia #beatlesmaynia
The wild and windy night
That the rain washed away
Has left a pool of tears
Crying for the day
Why leave me standing here
Let me know the way
#BeatleMaynia #longandwindingroad @Eggs
This is certainly a long road (the market itself stretches for two miles) - I can‘t remember if it‘s particularly winding though! 🤣
I‘m sure the Beatles will have visited though, and it‘s another gratuitous 🐧 Penguin picture!