Yes, it‘s 80 degrees out. Yes, I‘m indulging my high school self and re-reading this garbage. But sometimes you just need hot coco and trash literature to feel better. ☕️🍎
#reread #teamedward #lmao #cozy #comfortread
Yes, it‘s 80 degrees out. Yes, I‘m indulging my high school self and re-reading this garbage. But sometimes you just need hot coco and trash literature to feel better. ☕️🍎
#reread #teamedward #lmao #cozy #comfortread
Oh my god, the third essay - “Bomb-Ass Poetry” has me laughing so hard and with such agonized sympathy for everyone involved that I can hardly stand it. One sentence: “My poems vacillated from strained militancy and artificially extraneous pro-blackness to ballads of barely concealed desperation either enunciating the extravagant and ethereal sex I wasn‘t actually having or convincing women to drink almond milk.” 😂😂😂 DED. #BlameLoveJones
@TricksyTails You know you‘ve got me over here grinning like an even crazier person than I already am 🤣🤣🤣♥️♥️♥️♥️🖤🖤🖤🖤 I could hug you but I might squeeze the life out of you in my thanks & excitement!!! 🦋♥️🦖🧛🏻♀️🧛🏻♀️🤖🤖For-Ev-Errrrrr! #BabyChestBump #BeyondTheGrave #JaundiceTwins #ThugLife #Lmao I♥️♥️♥️♥️ You!!!!!
First book of 2018 down! 🎉🎉🎉
#onlytookmetwoweekstoreadit #lmao #mommybrainisrealAF
Okay I take that back. Those five books in last post PLUS these comics I just found hidden in another bag of mine. So five books and five comics. AND THEN I AM TOTALLY DONE WITH LIBRARY BOOKS FOR THE SUMMER. #readyourownbooks #sweartogod #justthese #idonthaveabookbuyingban #butimprettygoodaboutkeepingthatincheck #samedoesnotapplytolibrarybooks #lmao
In the midst of the philosophical and mind-bendingly fantastical there is this: "He needed to practice on larger animals. Any sheep around here? Nobody's gonna miss a few sheep, right? Maybe the metamorphoses were reversible, in which case, hey, no sheep were harmed in the making of this superpower." Is it bad I laughed? #lmao ????
I saw this go around a long time ago, but I want to do this again. Show off your #BookishTattoos with pride. (see here, Harry Potter tattoos 😝✨) #iwantmynextonetobeapyrexdesign #asanarmband #andthinkingaboutvinesonmyotherarm #likepoisonivy #andiwantasemicolon #andanEDrecoverysymbol #andthewordsYouAreEnough #andabassclef #andsomethingfloweryonmyfoot #plusatonofpiercings #lmao