My W shelfie...the only kind of selfie I like 🙋🏻❤📚
#shelfie #books #litsy #litsyfeatures #whale
I love looking through this book. It is giving me wonderful inspirations for stitching and painting.❤📚🌵❤🌵📚❤🌵📚🌵📚❤🌵❤📚
#cactus #cacti #needlepoint #embroidery #litsy #litsyfeatures
I just LOVED this book! I would sneak upstairs to read it under the Christmas Tree every afternoon in utter bliss! It's so bittersweet that I finished it! I loved it so much that I'm thinking about rereading it AGAIN right now - to shorten my mourning! #recommendsday #litsy #litsyfeatures
Holiday Hugs and Mistletoe Kisses.
I just love Joan Walsh Anglund. I was thinking of her when I created this. I used to have her dolls and many of her books.
#joanwalshanglund #christmas #alliwantforchristmasarebooks #litsy #litsyfeatures
Our #tbr December bookshelf...
When Santa Lost his Hohoho...makes me laugh!
#litsy #litsyfeatures #christmas #alliwantforchristmasisbooks
There is definitely no better fit for today's prompts than the Outlander series!
#gobbledupbooks Book you stayed up to read
#lilbookishnovember Time Travel
#novemberland Two worlds collide
#outlander #timetravel #readingallnight #twoworldscollide #litsyfeatures #bookstagrammersonlitsy
#gobbledupbooks is Sci-fi and #lilbookishnovember is Fairy Tales so the Lunar Chronicals are perfect for today!
I still have yet to start this series, but I'm eager to read it.
My sweet kitty, Shadow, decided to photo bomb after I got it set up 😁
#lunarchronicles #booksandcats #catsofinstagram #scifi #fairytales #retellings #litsyfeatures
I received Uncle Wiggily's Story Book for my fifth birthday. It has been well loved for the last few decades. I bought a new edition to read to my children.
BTW, I love big books and I cannot tell a lie! Isn't this the best book bag?! I bought it at modcloth dot com a few months ago. I'm a big fan of Googly eyes and was excited to find these cool pins...I tried to make this look like a big mouth guy.
#litsyfeatures #litsy #red #bookworm