@JoScho you are the absolute best 💕 this is the most colorful and cheery package. I am wearing the pin today 😊 Thank you so much. #jb
#getmovin #anthem
A couple of you posted about your teen anthems so I have to post this. I was 17 and starting my last year of high school, when a wonderful boy played the song ‘Ideology‘ for my year group - we almost all became Billy Bragg fans on the spot, going to his concert, plastering his posters - I still love these songs nearly 30 yrs later but Ideology remains the #anthem https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mVwGbYe9UYc
#cheerful #funny this is from a test prep book for a test I didn't take but the pictures are funny and my mom is a teacher so that's probably why I have it. #jubilantjuly
#opposites #Riotgrams
Two great comedians, both angry at the world in their own way, but with quite different ways of channelling it.