The fiction, nature and city section of my shelves seem to be dangerously near capacity! What to do!
The fiction, nature and city section of my shelves seem to be dangerously near capacity! What to do!
Happy Labour Day!
Ever since I participated in my first union strike earlier this year, I've felt like I was missing some important history and knowledge; this seemed like the ideal time and material to begin filling in that gap.
Not gonna lie, pretty enraging and dispiriting read.
You would also be correct in assuming this was a fairly dry read. That does not make its contents any less important. 1/?
Okay, you get points for that one. It's catchy! 😈
Mederic Lanctot? Never seen that name before. More of an 1860s or Quebecois thing? Lawyer-journalist? Political ambitions? Okay, please tell me there's a biography I can read on this dude. 🧐
Union: not completely positive and progressive in its origins...😐
Great phrasing: "united to support, not combined to injure."
Multipurpose goodness, bring this motto back!