Happy Labour Day!
Ever since I participated in my first union strike earlier this year, I've felt like I was missing some important history and knowledge; this seemed like the ideal time and material to begin filling in that gap.
Not gonna lie, pretty enraging and dispiriting read.
You would also be correct in assuming this was a fairly dry read. That does not make its contents any less important. 1/?
My greatest takeaways:
1) Workers have had to fight for rights, for less shitty circumstances since they've had employers paying them wages. There are no good old days in labour history. 2y
I should probably do more reading on the subject, but based on the perspective and history detailed here: Fuck NAFTA! 6/? 2y
P.S. It is a 200 page 'short' history, FYI.😮💨. I'd probably be less bitter about that if I hadn't basically assigned myself homework during a long weekend. 🥴 8/8 2y