It was a good month, but unfortunately no 5⭐️ reads (I‘m stingy). I had several 4⭐️s though; my favorite being #Marlena by #JulieBuntin.
#FebStats #ReadingResolutions
15 completed
8 nonfiction
9 audio
3 rereads
1 classic
1 buddy read
It was a good month, but unfortunately no 5⭐️ reads (I‘m stingy). I had several 4⭐️s though; my favorite being #Marlena by #JulieBuntin.
#FebStats #ReadingResolutions
15 completed
8 nonfiction
9 audio
3 rereads
1 classic
1 buddy read
"I want to go home, I want to go home, but what I mean, what I am grasping for, is not a place, it's a feeling." #juliebuntin #marlena #bestbooksie
Julie Buntin's writing style is absolutely amazing!!! "Time doesn't belong to you. All you have is what you remember. A fraction; less." ?❤️?? #marlena #juliebuntin #readreadread