Thank you very much @jhod !
Is it wrong to have chocolate for breakfast….? 🤔
Looking forward to diving in to this book later today!
#jolabokaflod #jolabokaflod2021
Thank you so much for organising @MaleficentBookDragon
Thank you very much @jhod !
Is it wrong to have chocolate for breakfast….? 🤔
Looking forward to diving in to this book later today!
#jolabokaflod #jolabokaflod2021
Thank you so much for organising @MaleficentBookDragon
Jólabókaflóð !!!! @BookBosomed1 , your package is coming your way! When it gets there, you can open it - the package is wrapped inside. Ellie, Velvet, and Constable Dogberry say “Happy Jólabókaflóð!”
@MaleficentBookDragon #jolabokaflod2021 #jolabokaflodswap
I received my #jolabokaflod2021 package yesterday from @Amiable I am so excited! Can‘t wait to open it! Thank you!! @MaleficentBookDragon