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Eggs Awesome 👏🏻 6d
dabbe 🧡🩶🧡 6d
IndoorDame @dabbe 🩷💜🩷 6d
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The Wayward Bus | John Steinbeck
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My pickup from my trip to the finger lakes. I like Steinbeck and so far enjoyed what I have read written by him so I thought I would give this one a chance.

The Wayward Bus | John Steinbeck
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As usual, Steinbeck's masterful description of the scenery is top notch. The Wayward Bus also has some witty dialogue. Steinbeck uses the dialog to portray the characters that are a cross section of American culture. It's like a commentary on the way Steinbeck sees various types of people. I felt I could identify with some of the characters. I felt Steinbeck over-emphasized the sexual tension between the characters.

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Steinbeck is my favorite writer but I‘ve never dug too deeply into his biography; I‘ve always felt that his work is biographical in many ways without need for much supplement. But when I came across this I had to read it.

It‘s a fine book, though I wish it were more in depth. Souder breezes over a lot of Steinbeck‘s life details; it feels more like Steinbeck101 instead of a comprehensive curriculum. Still, worth a read, especially for writers.

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This was just okay for Steinbeck. It's his first book. It seemed really disconnected. I was looking for a good pirate adventure, but this wasn't it. There are some good tidbits of history regarding Henry Morgan. The introduction in this edition was informative, but full of spoilers.

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At 58,#JohnSteinbeck decides to travel across America in a makeshift custom trailer,named Rocinante,to rediscover the America he has been writing about for many years. His companion is his standard poodle,Charley.I loved the relationship with his dog,but I did not love the parts about hunting and traveling with his guns. The most powerful chapters were at the end when he discusses the racism in the South. The time is 1960‘s,but it could be today.

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Librarybelle Great review! 1y
Cinfhen Excellent review!!! I loved his writing and found his passion for the Red Woods beautiful 😍 1y
DivineDiana @Cinfhen I loved that part too. I do want to see them for myself. 🌲❤️😘 (edited) 1y
Cinfhen Me too!!!!! #BucketList 1y
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Of Mice and Men | John Steinbeck
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I often heard references to this book,and because of the #authoramonth2023 #johnsteinbeck challenge, I now understand all the buzz. George and Lennie travel to the Salinas Valley in California to work on a ranch during the Great Depression. Lennie is a man of tremendous size,but has the mind of a child. George is small and quick, and does his best to protect his friend. Spare, beautiful writing. Tragic. Unforgettable. #1937 #192025

dabbe When I would show the Gary Sinise-John Malcovich movie version after my juniors read it, you could hear sniffles out in the audience, especially from the teenage boys. And they already had read it and knew what was coming! And this one reads almost like a drama, doesn't it? The dialogue is already beautifully written, and each chapter is a new setting. I love this book. ❣️ 1y
DivineDiana @dabbe I can understand. It is heartbreaking on many levels. 💔 1y
Librarybelle Good choice! This is one I have not read, but definitely a true classic 1y
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Burning Bright | John Steinbeck
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This was great - it was written in the form of a play and I could easily picture it as such. #AuthorAMonth

Soubhiville Mmmmm, those look amazing! 😋 2y
Melismatic @Soubhiville thanks - they were! A friend made for a birthday in the office. 💖 2y
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Happy Birthday Month & Congratulations on the 300K Milestone! 🎉 Thanks for the opportunity to win in your #300KBirthdayGiveaway! I'd love to receive the tagged book- I love John Steinbeck, and would love to read this book about him. @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Thank you! 😘 And thanks for entering! 2y
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The Secret Garden & A Little Princess | Frances Hodgson Burnett
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Shelf 17/21 on my #BookshelfTour

I couldn‘t decide between A Little Princess and The Secret garden as my favorite for this shelf so I chose them both 😊

#FrancesHodgsonBurnett #RobertLouisStevenson #ArtSpiegelman #GregIles #JohnSteinbeck #EmilyDickinson #GaryPaulson #RudyardKipling #ToniMorrison #BramStoker #HGWells #JMBarrie #LFrankBaum #JaneAusten #DanielDefoe #JohnGrisham #KurtVonnegut

#BookNerd 🤓💙📚

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