Catching up on the #janeeyrebuddyread with @britt_brooke 💜📖 I haven‘t gotten very far, but I like Jane a lot already!
Catching up on the #janeeyrebuddyread with @britt_brooke 💜📖 I haven‘t gotten very far, but I like Jane a lot already!
If literature's complicate men were on Tinder 😂 check out the whole post here: https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/if-literatures-complicated-men-were-on-tinde...
I loved rereading this story! I think I was harder on Mr. Rochester this time around, but I also appreciated Jane‘s strength of character more than I did before. I understood more of what she was going through when she chose to live life on her own terms. Although, that also means I might now feel she‘s giving up a bit too much of herself in the end; maybe I‘m not as much of a romantic as I used to be.
#JaneEyreBuddyRead #1001books #reread
Do you think Jane and Rochester deserved a happy ending? Do you think they got one?
Why (aside from his wife's death) does Jane agree to marry Rochester now? What reservations did she have before, that have now been removed?
How is St. John‘s intensity in opposition to his religious intentions?
I hope everyone enjoyed reading Jane Eyre, I really loved doing the buddy read for and with all of you! Thanks to everyone for your participation these past 5 weeks! 💕📚💕
Okay, its our final discussion time!
Erica Jong calls Jane “the first modern heroine in fiction.” What heroic qualities do you see in Jane?
Saturday morning plans include blueberry pancakes and smoked sausage for breakfast, as well as catching up on some reading for this week!
#readandeat #JaneEyreBuddyRead #LotRChapteraDay
Getting caught up on the #janeeyrebuddyread and can't help getting Beauty and the Beast vibes from this with Belle unable to see herself with Gaston much like Jane here. And I got reprise of Belle in my head now:
🎼 Madame Gaston can't you just see it. Madame Gaston, his little wife. No sir, not me