It was Meh....it was ok, but underwhelming and even though it was well written I didn't give a shit about any of the characters
It was Meh....it was ok, but underwhelming and even though it was well written I didn't give a shit about any of the characters
I was really enjoying this one until the end 🥲 The story was really good and had me hooked but the way she decided to end the book was slightly disappointing..
What disappointing claptrap.
None of this has even passing familiarity with how the US legal or legal education system works. Fine.
It is set in Virginia and has people wearing coats in August. Ooookay.
The "twists" are either blatantly obvious or don't make any sense. It just wasn't satisfying and the "both sides" argument it tried to make weirdly attacked the premise of the much-needed Innocence Project in a way I found distressing, not fun.
You have to decide if you‘re willing to suspend some belief to just read a story or not. I think if you know anything about the law, you should skip this one. I don‘t really (unless a true crime fan counts!), but there were a lot of things regarding the law school, courtroom, and legal processes that seemed a but farfetched, even to me. …
Full review at Goodreads (Anna Kraft).
Thank you to the publisher and Goodreads for the ARC!
Hannah works her way onto an Innocence Project case with obvious ulterior motives, which are gradually unraveled through the story. I thought this book was fun and the ending in particular is wildly implausible, but I was just so entertained by it that I‘m giving it a pick. If you‘re looking for something that‘s like real life, however, this one will likely disappoint.
While I really appreciate having won a free copy of this book, it was a big 'ol miss for me. The concept seemed promising... think Innocence Project but if there was someone on the inside trying to sabotage the defense (outwardly seeming helpful but really trying to keep their client in prison). Something about the execution felt like amateur hour. But I guess if you squint and pretend the puzzle pieces fit it isn't *too* awful 🙊 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Not as good as her others. Really missed the mark for me . I‘m not completely sure why. Think it felt too contrived . It‘s been a couple of days since I finished it and already I‘m forgetting what it was about. Not at all memorable, for me anyway. Look forward to hearing what other people think/ feel.
This was a fun, easy read...as long as you suspend belief a bit as is typically needed in thrillers. It revolves around The Innocence Project and does a deep dive into moral dilemmas thematically.
I never read McTiernan before but did buy The Ruin after I finished this : )
Thank you to William Morrow & NetGalley for an eARC.