So true! Cheers to all the women who work every day to make this world a better place! #imeverywoman #fiercefeb #tbr
So true! Cheers to all the women who work every day to make this world a better place! #imeverywoman #fiercefeb #tbr
#fiercefeb #imeverywoman here‘s a collection from my tbr . An eclectic mix of women writers, hours of great reading, I hope! 🐉
#fiercefeb #imeverywoman My current read from this amazing and inspiring woman..... I‘m reading this for #booked18 #bodypositivememoirornovel ... I tore a disc in my back a few years ago and exercising became very challenging... I have been afraid to go back to yoga, but this wonderful book has inspired me to be kind to myself, embrace my limitations and start a home practice without judgement.... day 4 and feeling good!
#imeverywoman #fiercefeb great respect for teacher Azar Nafisi, bold and fierce, she secretly met with 7 of her most committed female students to read banned western literature, every Thursday. All the while Islamic morality squads carried out arbitrary raids across Tehran. Truly inspiring ❤️
Being a nurse I have to give props to this woman!! The founder of modern nursing!!! 👏🏻💗
#FierceFeb #ImEveryWoman Although I have very little in common with Gabrielle Union in most areas, she is honest & laid back with a healthy dose of sarcasm that makes her relatable to a wide variety of audiences & makes her seem like the kind of 'every woman' you could easily hang out with over a glass of wine (or cup of tea). I'm only about four chapters in but I'm enjoying her memoir so far--especially with her reading it. 📚👍
"... not a wince of fear or trepidation, and no youngster just let loose from school could have been more merry and light-hearted."
#FierceFeb #imEveryWoman puts on a brave front and does not shy away from challenges
Unfamiliar with sea voyages did not stop Nellie Bly from travelling around the world in a bid to beat Fogg's fictional record.