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My Advanced Directives are officially completed and notarized! It feels so good to have this done, and it was fun. Death/Dying are usually not things anyone wants to talk/think about. But we should be. It‘s the most natural thing in the world; we‘re all going to do it one day. So live your most authentic life, & plan ahead. We are not promised the next moment. You‘ll be glad you got your legal documents done, your friends & family will be too.

Soubhiville Very smart advice. 3w
JenniferEgnor @Soubhiville I‘ve been meaning to get it done for several months. Now that the medical part is done, I can start the living will portion. My husband and I plan to move within the next year or so 🤞🏻, up north. We do not like where we live, and what I want for my final disposition is not available here. I wanted to get this done, just in case…I left very specific instructions. I know that my side of the family would not honor what I ask for⬇️ 3w
JenniferEgnor So I‘ve arranged for designated persons to ensure it happens, should death occur before I get to leave this state. 3w
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dabbe My husband and I plan to get the ball rolling on this this summer. His skin cancer and my breast biopsy really put things in perspective. Great advice! 🤩😀🤗 3w
bibliothecarivs @JenniferEgnor What was the process where you live? 3w
JenniferEgnor @bibliothecarivs do you mean for final disposition? 3w
bibliothecarivs @JenniferEgnor Getting the advanced directives completed. 3w
JenniferEgnor @bibliothecarivs filling them out with as much detail as I could about what I do and don‘t want, listing power of attorney designees, and being with a witness so they could sign, then getting it notarized. 3w
TieDyeDude There are so many great options besides being buried in a box. It's a shame options are so limited in many places. 3w
JenniferEgnor @TieDyeDude I used to say cremation until I learned about other options. Green Burial is nice and I really like the idea of aquamation. 3w
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Rabbit Hole | David Lindsay-Abaire
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#Tuesdaytunes (on Wednesday)
@TieDyeDude I still haven't streamed that Philly radio show that you mentioned a few weeks back, but it led to a revelation tonight. I was listening to a favorite artist of mine that I've posted about before - Stas Thee Boss and remembered she is a radio dj on a west coast public radio station, KEXP. But for some reason, it never occurred to me to try to stream her show...until tonight. And it's great! 👇

Billypar https://www.kexp.org/shows/Street-Sounds/ I'm listening to it now - it's on every Saturday night, but they have the last two episodes available. It's a great mix of old and new hip hop, classic and avant garde. Great for finding new artists, and Stas has already introduced me to so much hip hop and soul through a series of playlists she posts on Spotify called Late Night Sauce: https://open.spotify.com/user/1274906161?si=pz_VNCgZQS2FbMMMkcEKpQ 2mo
Billypar And while we're on the topic of music discovery, this week I found out that another British hip hop artist I follow Lex Amor (who I came across via a different hip hop radio-style program on Bandcamp, lol) has a 35 hour (!) playlist on her Spotify page called AMOR that seems amazing. It's more chill and has a blend of hip hop, r&b, and soul. She's also a DJ, but maybe that goes without saying 🎧🎙 2mo
TieDyeDude Oh my, so much to listen to! That's awesome. I've been in the mood for some R&B/soul. Thanks. 2mo
Billypar @TieDyeDude Both of those artist-created playlists have a great variety of R&B and soul, old and new - hope you enjoy! 2mo
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This is one of those emotional, feel-good stories that will stay with you for a long time! We need more people like Mrs. Kip and more books like this one!

I‘m looking forward to reading more books by this author! 💖💖

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Our sweet kitty Riley passed away last night, peacefully in his sleep after a brief illness. He was 17.
He loved birdwatching, sunbeams, lap time, licking water off of shower doors and soda cans, and helping me with sewing projects. We deeply love and already miss our little peanut, but are grateful he‘s no longer struggling.

julesG I'm sorry for your loss 😔 9mo
IndoorDame I‘m so sorry. It‘s heartbreaking to lose a beloved pet 💔 9mo
Tamra 💕 Sweet furry friend 9mo
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Karisa A touching tribute to a wonderful companion💗 9mo
TheQuietQuill So sorry for your loss 😢 9mo
SheReadsAndWrites Oh my goodness. I am so sorry. ☹️ Hugs to you...❤️ 9mo
REPollock Thank you @julesG 9mo
REPollock Thank you @Tamra 9mo
REPollock Thank you @Karisa 9mo
AmyG Oh no. I am so sorry for your loss. 😢 9mo
JessClark78 I‘m so sorry for your loss. 💔❤️ 9mo
batsy I am so sorry 💔 9mo
REPollock Thank you @AmyG 9mo
REPollock Thank you @batsy 9mo
marleed Oh I‘m sorry. 9mo
REPollock Thank you @marleed 9mo
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Rabbit Hole | David Lindsay-Abaire
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I've recently fallen down the rabbit hole of social media. I was spending too much time online and not enough time on my reading. However, today is a new start. I've deleted the apps that were distracting me, and I might still have time to salvage August.

Suet624 I understand how easy it is to get sucked back into social media. It‘s a creepy drug. Good for you for regrouping! 10mo
Susanita It helped that the new X app is so ugly and easy to delete. 10mo
Ruthiella Well done! 👏👏👏 10mo
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AllDebooks It's good to have a balance but I do find SM incredibly annoying lately. It can be a place of such unpleasant unkindness and vitriol. This is the only place I'm comfortable with and enjoy. 10mo
dabbe Good for you! 💙🖤🩵 10mo
Cuilin You‘re not alone. 🩵 10mo
Bookwomble I was having a similar issue with FB, uninstalled it, and felt an almost immediate improvement in my sense of well-being. I had reason to access my account recently, and knew straightaway I'd made the right decision! Uninstalled again once I'd done what I needed. Wishing you good mental health 💖 10mo
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Swimming | Nicola Keegan
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Eggs Pretty 💦🏊🩵 10mo
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I knew of this book before I asked my hospice coordinator for book recommendations. It was so informative, and written beautifully, gently. Everyone should read it. We will all experience the death of someone we know one day, and we will die, too. This book talks you through all of it, breaking down all the stigma that surrounds it, and helps you start with your own death plan and advanced directives. Highly recommended.

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Grief lives in the body. MRI studies show that a grieving brain has a pattern unlike other emotions. Most of the time, an emotion lights up parts of the brain, but grief is distributed everywhere, into areas associated with memory, metabolism, visual imagery, and more. Grief can make you sick; it can be brutal, even deadly. One is coming to grips with what forever means. And we don‘t do that all at once and we don‘t do it one day at a time ⬇️

JenniferEgnor but for one minute and then another. Don‘t ever say: Get over it, move on. She‘s in a better place now. 11mo
JenniferEgnor I am reminded of something that was said on The Walking Dead. The pain doesn‘t go away—you just make room for it. 11mo
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Jae Rim Lee founded the Infinity Burial Project and the Decompiculture Society. She created a burial shroud that looks like pjs, which contain a mix of mushroom mycelium and other microorganisms. After burial, the mushrooms sprout and speed up decomposition, releasing nutrients to the soil. Very cool!


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The idea behind it—that we are comforted by not having to see the dead body look dead; that we are somehow traumatized by such a sight, and able to find solace only by pretending they are still alive—is not supported by any science, or by history or anthropology, or our own experience. Embalming has been called the art of complete denial.

Shown: embalming in the civil war, the time in which it originated. I find it strange; not what I want.