Airplane reading 😼
Some stories you forget, some stories you remember... and some stories haunt you.
And the story of Mort(e), a house cat who just wants to find the dog he loves in a world where giant ants #PlayLikeGod and turn animals into weapons in their war against humanity, still haunts me.
#FindSheba #NuYear
As a 911 dispatcher, I got a great laugh out of this paragraph. The idea of other animals calling in noise complaints for dogs is hilarious. A nice touch to Robert's worldbuilding. #ItsADogsLife #dogsoflitsy #woof #Morte #findSheba #RobertRepino #WarWithNoName #noisecomplaints
I finished the first part of Mort(e) last night, and it's an amazing journey watching Sebastian's transformation from house cat to war hero and then retired veteran. His need to find his friend, the dog Sheba, is so heartbreaking that I dreamed Part II starts with him and Sheba together again. (Spoiler: it doesn't) And I almost never dream about what I'm reading. #Morte #findSheba #WarWithNoName #fantasy #scifi #RobertRepino #weirddreams
Chapter two amounts to a history lesson. I'm actually a little baffled, because what is technically an info dump on how the ants took over the world held my attention. I'm gonna puzzle for some time over how Robert wrote this so well, making ant queen Hymenoptera more horrifying than the Xenomorph queen from Aliens. #Morte #alien #queen #Hymenoptera #xenomorph #findSheba #fantasy #WarWithNoName #RobertRepino #SciFi #GetAwayFromHerYouBitch
Just 20 pages into Mort(e), and I get the buzz. The way Robert places the reader into Mort(e)'s early life as a house pet is flawless, but it's watching how he suddenly evolves self-awareness that's really amazing. The story is a roller coaster, accomplishing so much in a very short time. #Morte #fantasy #RobertRepino #TheWarWithNoName #catsoflitsy
I guess I had a lot of orange books!! Currently listening to Mort(e) on audiobook. Pretty crazy so far... #ORANGEYOUGLAD
I'm a chapter and a half in, and so hooked! This is going to be a wild ride!
Thanks @Hooked_on_books !
#litsyAtoZ #LetterM or #LetterR
So this novel took a hard right turn into a critique of organized religion that I did not see coming. I'm still not sure what's it's trying to say about belief, but I'm hurtling towards the final battle so I guess I'm about to find out. As long as Mort(e) is able to #findSheba things will be okay.
Bailing on the Victoria miniseries tonight because one of two things is about to happen. Either I finish this bleak BLEAK book and Mort(e) will find Sheba and everything in my life will be okay again or... well, I may just totally fall asleep. #findSheba #dogsoflitsy