Chapter 8: Agnes gets a letter from home #missmurraythough #sospoiled #whygohome #youcanseemeinmydress #butnotattendtheball #seemslegit #maryisgettingmarried #thisisavicarage #sosmall #souncomfy #iwoulddie 🙄🙄 #pemberlittens
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Chapter 8: Agnes gets a letter from home #missmurraythough #sospoiled #whygohome #youcanseemeinmydress #butnotattendtheball #seemslegit #maryisgettingmarried #thisisavicarage #sosmall #souncomfy #iwoulddie 🙄🙄 #pemberlittens
Anyone else out there a dance mom. My daughter‘s recital was today and then she has two more weeks of practice and nationals! It is totally cutting into my reading time and introvert lifestyle. But I do love watching this kid dance! #dancemom #feelingthepain #needsomedowntime #needmybook
@clare-dragonfly @dabbe @kwmg40 @librarybelle @ann_reads @willaful @mcctrish @bklover @ruthiella @kristin_reads @thearomaofbooks @julieclair @morr_books @annececilie @eeclayton @debinhawaii @ravenlee 2y