The Newsflesh Trilogy is one of my very favorite series. It‘s got zombies, but also a lot of not-zombie stuff, conspiracy, amazing characters, twists, and kickass writing. #thenewsfleshtrilogy #feed #belovedseries #riotgrams
The Newsflesh Trilogy is one of my very favorite series. It‘s got zombies, but also a lot of not-zombie stuff, conspiracy, amazing characters, twists, and kickass writing. #thenewsfleshtrilogy #feed #belovedseries #riotgrams
'Our story opens where countless stories have ended in the last twenty-six years: with an idiot - in this case, my brother Shaun - deciding it would be a good idea to go out and poke a zombie with a stick to see what happens.'
#miragrant #feed #newsflesh #bookworm #booklover #bibliophile #bookandmug
Things you don't think about when listening to an audio-book: The pronunciation of Buffy's last name - Meissonier - is a lot different than what I thought in my head. #24in48 #miragrant #feed #audiobook #inthecarwiththewifeandmil
I'm in the middle of packing because tomorrow is moving day so I'm going to keep it brief with just a title (Feed) and an author (M. T. Anderson) who is also a local Bostonian. Hope everyone's weekend is off to a great start!
#booknerd #booknerdigan #bookstagram #ireadya #yalovin #fantasy #flatlay #yafantasy #youngadult #becauseofreading #bookphotography #bookworm #feed #mtanderson