Kind of perfect that I opened this volume on #favefriendships day in #booktober! I love Babs and Dinah so much. #favoritefriendships #bestfriendships
Kind of perfect that I opened this volume on #favefriendships day in #booktober! I love Babs and Dinah so much. #favoritefriendships #bestfriendships
Day18 #booktober #favefriendships It's probably that I just bought a copy for .50 cents at the library book store, but Charlotte and Wilbur immediately came to mind as one of my favorite friendships. I read the book and watched the animated movie growing up, watched the live action film as an adult, and still tear up every time. An unlikely friendship between a spider & pig but a solid one. #favoritefriendships 🐷🕷❤️
The ladies of Rat Queens are like the most hilarious, real, group of women playing dungeons and dragons, only they are an actual group of adventurers. Their friendship is amazing and their adventures are too funny! #booktober #favefriendships
#booktober day 18: favourite friendships.
I realised that most of my faves are childhood reads although as a kid I really didn't like The Wind in the Willows and never really understood why they were friends with Toad! Wilbur and Charlotte are such an unusual and classic friendship and so are Peter Pan and his gang.
I added in a more recent fave by Jacqueline Woodson, four friends living in Brooklyn. #favefriendships