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“If hating one‘s body effectively motivated change, do you really think there would be many heavy people in the world?”

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“When is the last time you ate a meal made without opening a can, bag, or jar or handing over money at a drive-through window?”

Um… right now. This very minute as I read. 😆

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I read this six months ago, and I can see myself rereading it every year. This is the anti-diet book. Linda teaches you about finding your set point (weight your body wants to be at) and about intuitive eating where you listen to what your body needs without judging whether the food is “bad”. Eg. You find you don‘t want as much ice cream when you can have it without guilt, but you also listen when your body wants carrots. It‘s a good process. ⬇️

Megabooks ⬆️ this is an extreme oversimplification of very nuanced lifestyle changes, and there is a lot of information included about healthy exercise and information about weight and health that is not influenced by the diet industry or big food. 3y
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Change your mindset about diet and accepting your body

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Not your traditional “diet“ book, but the main point was to rethink your thinking about food as what your body needs.
It is interesting, and with all of the US cultural influences around it is hard to rethink like this.

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Wow, just wow! This is NOT a diet book. It is not a lifestyle change book in the usual sense. This is a guide to untangling your relationship with food and the way you think about your body. The main thrust to think about food and eating in terms of your whole body‘s needs. (See ⬇️) Also she talks about society‘s obsession with obesity & weight. Thin may not be your natural weight, and she helps untangle the cultural & health aspects of that. 5⭐️

Megabooks ⬆️ Right now I am having issues with my eosinophilic esophagitis (basically my esophagus/stomach junction is partially blocked). Last night, I was feeling terrible, not knowing how I would sleep, but I was craving hot, salty broth. So I warmed some chicken broth and ate it. Immediately my esophagus felt better. My body knew what it needed, and the point of this book is to listen to and examine these needs. 4y
Megabooks @TrishB @BarbaraBB did you want to be tagged? @Cinfhen here‘s my usual review tag 💜 4y
kspenmoll Great review. Book sounds like a good one! 4y
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Megabooks @kspenmoll it really was. It‘s truly revolutionary for anyone who has a damaged relationship with food, which is pretty much everyone! Not even as severe as an eating disorder, just something as simple as telling yourself there are “bad” foods or feeling like you always need to lose 10 lbs. (edited) 4y
TrishB Sounds really interesting 👍🏻 4y
Megabooks @TrishB it was! 4y
britt_brooke Sounds good! #stacked 4y
Megabooks @britt_brooke I hope you enjoy it! 4y
Amandajoy In glad you found it helpful! I approach my nutrition counseling from a HAES perspective. Weight is not a good number to assess someone‘s health by, let alone their self worth. One day they‘ll give me my magic wand and I‘ll be able to fix that. I would also recommend reading this one 4y
Cinfhen I‘m glad the broth helped 💙💙💙I need to rethink my attitude towards my weight and health/ was this an audio?? I didn‘t notice... 4y
Cinfhen It was!!! I‘m gonna look for it/ thanks for the tag, friend 4y
Megabooks @Amandajoy oh fantastic!! I‘m definitely adding that! I would love to find a counselor like you. My gastroenterologist just has a regular calories in/calories out one. It was not helpful! 4y
Megabooks @Cinfhen yes, I read it audio through Libro.fm. One of my libraries had it, but the wait was over 4 months, so I used a credit. Keep a finger ready to bookmark passages you particularly need to hear! 4y
BarbaraBB Thanks for the tag. I have such a hate/love and especially obsessive relationship with food and weight. This book sounds really interesting. I normally avoid such books because of that relationship but maybe it‘s time to find peace with these issues! 4y
Amandajoy Yeah, after counseling patients for a few years, I have come to the (unscientific) conclusion that encouraging people to lose weight just makes problems worse. I wish doctors would quit recommending it. 4y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB i think it‘s hard to find a woman who doesn‘t have a fraught relationship with food/body image. This book makes sense to me. Just thinking clearly about what my body needs. I know I eat a lot out of boredom, and I need to think, “is this nourishing my body? Is this what I need at the moment?” But for others who restrict food more, it may mean something different. It‘s just more thoughtful path with food, weight, and self acceptance. 4y
Megabooks @Amandajoy yes, I definitely think accepting my body and thinking about what it needs whether it is food, movement, mental stimulation, and going with that will be very helpful. 4y
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I‘ve been trying to unf*** my thinking about my body and what is best for it. This book is currently blowing my mind!! 🤯🤯 I think I may have an audiobook day today.

(To give you an idea, I bought this at 7:30 and it‘s 10:30. I can‘t put it down!)

TrishB Look forward to your review 👍🏻 4y
BarbaraBB Me too 4y
Megabooks @TrishB @BarbaraBB I‘m 75% in. I‘m going to finish today 🤞🏻. It‘s something I‘m going to have to remind myself about and read more than once. It is truly revolutionary!! 4y
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Megabooks @BarbaraBB I‘m having a hard time digestive wise. I have some swelling/food stuck where my oesophagus and stomach meet, so I‘m going to have to have an outpatient procedure to fix it soon. I‘m so sick of being sick!! 😩 (edited) 4y
BarbaraBB I can sooo imagine that. Another medical procedure. Poor Meg. You will be brave again I know but is must be so hard to endure 🤍🤍 4y
Megabooks @BarbaraBB yes, I will do the best I can, but I will definitely miss having dad by my side!! 💕 4y
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As this book was published quite a while ago, the reader should exercise caution, however, the main thing that I came away with from this book is that we should be focussing on raising activity levels, therefore increasing health of the cardiovascular system among others, rather than purely on weight loss. There were some interesting arguments in the book but some of the points were endlessly repeated. 3⭐

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@wanderinglynn I‘m slacking- about posting- I‘m just trying to survive these days - work, school, health- year one of pandemic has had ups and downs but I‘m working on building habits and mindfulness and integrating my Leo energy and chaotic tendencies into a force for good. As in every day is a new day. But mostly recognizing that it‘s all good and bad in various amounts and I only have control over so much. 🧡 and I‘m drinking more water #bfc21

Chrissyreadit @wanderinglynn I tagged you and edited to tag but it‘s not showing up. Hoping you get notification of this- I‘ve noticed I do not always get notification when I‘m tagged in a comment. 4y
Kristin_Reads Be gentle with yourself! 💕 4y
wanderinglynn 😘 This round is very low-key. No pressure to post. I‘m only posting BFC updates a couple of times a month—not every week. It‘s been a challenging year and we all need to be kind to ourselves. You‘re doing great. 💜 4y
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bthegood you were one of the first people who introduced themselves to me on this site - I have found your posts to be uplifting, encouraging, and real - thanks for sharing and reminding me to take it a day at a time and to stay centered (calm) - make a great day for yourself, and if not a whole day make some great moments - 🙂 4y
Chrissyreadit @bthegood you are always so sweet and encouraging. I just keep it real- school, work, chronic pain, parenting sometimes I think the world places unrealistic expectations on us and besides my needing validation I know I‘m not alone in this brutiful world. Thank you for being you. 4y
Chrissyreadit @Kristin_Reads thank you! It‘s a good day for those reminders. Sometimes my own expectations are very unrealistic. It‘s ok to just be ok 🧡 4y
Chrissyreadit @wanderinglynn what is this challenging year you are speaking of? Do you mean life hasn‘t always been lived in a dystopian place and time? The days are all blending together...🤣 4y
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First 10K step day in quite awhile. I listened to a good chunk of this one today. It‘s so hard to change your thinking about weight when so much about our world is tailored for a specific mindset. #litsywalkers #audioread

Freespirit That looks like a beautiful place for a walk😊 5y
saguarosally I was bound and determined to hit 10k today myself. Next stop, 15k! 5y
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