Sent out the last #eastcoastreaders book @aroc @Lovesbooks87 @samanthagutt
and the last #lmpbc book @AmberWB @Tattooedteacher @Sarahreadstoomuch
Sent out the last #eastcoastreaders book @aroc @Lovesbooks87 @samanthagutt
and the last #lmpbc book @AmberWB @Tattooedteacher @Sarahreadstoomuch
@samanthagutt I sent out the #eastcoastreaders book yester should get there by Thursday
Just got this one today! Excited 😁
#eastcoastreaders #eastcoastbookclub @aroc @samanthagutt @whatsthEStorey
LOVED this book! Sending it out this weekend. Thanks for sharing @Lovesbooks87 #ecrb #eastcoastreaders
@aroc @samanthagutt @whatsthEStorey
Got your book today @Lovesbooks87 looking forward to reading it! Planning on sending mine out by the end of the week #eastcoastreaders @aroc @samanthagutt @whatsthEStorey