How can I not “Helldive” into this next book after the way Golden Son ended?! #Darrow #RedRising #BreakTheChains
How can I not “Helldive” into this next book after the way Golden Son ended?! #Darrow #RedRising #BreakTheChains
If you haven't read Red Rising yet, please do immediately. Pierce Brown is one of my favorite authors and this trilogy is magnificent 😍
#RedRising #PierceBrown #Darrow #GoldenSon #MorningStar #bookstagram #bookworm #booknerd #love #books #bookporn #reading #bibliophile #fun #fiercereads #youngadult #followme #like #bookaholic #epicreads #ireadya #goodreads
Took a bit getting used to but now am so enjoying this. Only 100 pages left am confident I'll finish this by tonight #redrising #piercebrown #darrow #sevro
Audiobook re-read of one of my favorites. 💛 #Darrow #darrowauandromedus
Finally finished the red rising trilogy and I have to say it was spectacular. Out of all these teenage dystopian novels....this one is the best. Loved it! "I'm a helldiver...and I have brought hell with me....#howlers #darrow #sevro