Beautiful prose, as always, but ultimately not a satisfying read. Didn't like that ending either. Now I understand why some call his work 'uneven'. This is my least favorite McEwan. #damalong
Beautiful prose, as always, but ultimately not a satisfying read. Didn't like that ending either. Now I understand why some call his work 'uneven'. This is my least favorite McEwan. #damalong
Is it too late to join in your readalong @Lakesidemusing ? #damalong
Maybe a few minutes of reading before another day of exploring Cape Cod? [My bookmark is from Persephone. It matches the endpapers of Heat Lightning by Helen Hull, which I have not read.] #bookmarks #booktober #damalong @RealLifeReading
Three things: 1) I love how IMcE strings words together. I fall into his books like fluffy pillows and fleece blankets by a fire. 2) The women in this book are minor characters yet they seem to hold all the power. I still have to think about this. And 3) the descriptions of music, thought not my forte (music knowledge), were captivating. Looking forward to discussing this with @Lakesidemusing and @readingonarainyday #damalong
Ok Brit-Littens, explain exactly what is a grated cheese sandwich?
I'm imagining some kind of shredded cheese with mayo mixture maybe? That would make it spreadable? Thanks
Yay! Finally starting this book. Two days later than I planned. I hope @Lakesidemusing and @BkClubCare have not finished reading it yet. 😆 #damalong
Two former lovers of Molly Lane stood waiting outside the crematorium chapel with their backs to the February chill. It had all been said before, but they said it again.
"She never knew what hit her."
"When she did it was too late."
"Rapid onset."
"Poor Molly."
And so it begins...
#wildfridaynight #hellooctober #damalong
"A dark tour de force, perfectly fashioned." -The New York Times
Just letting @Lakesidemusing and @readingonarainyday know I am ready. Let my McEwan lovefest continue.
Oscar reluctantly assisting.