Visiting Westeros and sewing felt potion bottles stuffed with catnip for the various cats in my life. 🧪🐈⬛ #craftyreads #nowlistening #gameofthrones
Visiting Westeros and sewing felt potion bottles stuffed with catnip for the various cats in my life. 🧪🐈⬛ #craftyreads #nowlistening #gameofthrones
Enjoying a nice zen project while listening to book 5. It's hard times for an HP fan these days but it's our world now. Not hers.
#nowlistening #craftyreads #hpforever
Sewing lots of bats and starting on the last book of this trilogy. I couldn't wait for this book to come out. This series is officially my favorite out of all the books shes written so far.
#nowreading #craftyreads #hollyblack
Sewing little ghost friends and finishing up the first book in the Mortal Engines series. The pacing is a bit slow but overall I find the characters charming. #nowlistening #craftyreads