I'm such a #slacker! Tagged a few weeks ago by @Simona for #colorbooktag. Here's a stack in my favorite colors, ironically all in a genre I rarely read any more lol
I'm such a #slacker! Tagged a few weeks ago by @Simona for #colorbooktag. Here's a stack in my favorite colors, ironically all in a genre I rarely read any more lol
#colorbooktag for @Izai.Amorim
I even have such old ones. 😉 I really like this kind of fiction. Do you know these series?
Thanks @ApoptyGina69 for nominating me for #colorbooktag! I haven't had tons of time to research how others are doing this, but here's my stack (of the books I have unboxed, blue was the most I had!)
I nominate @Annl and @Bookworm83 to post your fav color!!
@elkeo asked so I'm going to do one more! My favorite color is green so here is a green stack. I've read all but one of these. 💚📗#bookcolortag #colorbooktag #colorstacking
If you wanna do it: TAG YOU'RE IT!!!
When @Foragingfantasy calls for green, green she gets! We're playing #bookcolortag! Or is it #colorbooktag?! I can't keep track of these things!
I tag @NCNY and @BarbaraTheBibliophage to show us some 💟violet books!