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My favorite part of the new office I moved into today— everyone should have a cozy blanket and a basket of books in their space.

Rereading Ovid because my friend is (of course) so we can talk about it. I have this v pretty edition right up front next to my Tristram Shandy ♥️✨

slategreyskies Now I want a book basket! How did it never occur to me that this was an option? 📚♥️ 1mo
StaceGhost @slategreyskies it makes the books in the back curve a little but I cycle through so quickly it doesn‘t give me any issues— boxy baskets are better lol 1mo
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Paganism in the Roman Empire | Ramsay MacMullen
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I‘ve been really scattered brained. So I decided to find the most boring book on my shelves, from my 1994 undergraduate class on the Roman Empire. (Yeah, I was supposed to read it then. Oops) Well, i‘ve been reading it. Not sure how far i will get.

Suet624 Is this supposed to help with your scatter brained issue? 7mo
Graywacke @Suet624 yes. Boring and demands concentration. Sometimes that works 7mo
Suet624 Interesting! 7mo
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batsy That actually sounds fascinating! But I guess it all depends on how it's written 😆 7mo
Graywacke @batsy well, hopefully eventually. But there is some oddness about it. It‘s focused only on 100-300 ad (ce) and cites mainly Eusebius and Origen, two Christians known for describing pagan rituals. So…. he might just be presenting the ancient propaganda. Not sure yet. 7mo
batsy @Graywacke I absolutely do not know enough about this topic to be able to comment, but I get how that's a perspective that's going to be biased. I will keep an eye out for your review. 7mo
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Eggs Thank you for playing and tagging 👏🏻📚🗺 2y
Lizpixie Another thing we have in common! I‘m a sucker for Ancient Rome & Greece too⚡️🗡🏺 2y
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(2006) Here's a brief, popular account of what we know about the Battle of Teutoburg Forest, in which the German folk-hero Arminius and followers destroyed three Roman legions. Especially interesting are chapters on Arminius's afterlife in popular culture and how modern views are complicated by awareness of the dangers of nationalism; and on archaeological finds at the battle site, which was only identified in the 1990s.

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Bones were all he could see.


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This book sounds better than it is. There are no citations and no critical interrogation of the sources that they do mention.

I am being harsh because this isn't and doesn't claim to be an academic book but I still think you need to be mindful. It also covers the 'ancient world' which is Greece and Italy over several centuries and doesn't really place the jobs in a historical context beyond ancient world

PuddleJumper This was one of my May #roll100 and I'm glad to get it off my shelves! Books like this were a staple gift when doing my degree and I just held onto them even though I wasn't interested 2y
charl08 Fabulous title though! 2y
PuddleJumper @charl08 🤣 It is a great name 2y
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The Road to Eleusis: Unveiling the Secret of the Mysteries | Albert Hofmann, R. Gordon Wasson, Carl A. P. Ruck
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Sometimes you read a book and you realize, “they didn‘t have as much to say as they thought, so they padded everything”. Sometimes a writer is hyper focused on one thing and will try to make everything about it. I don‘t know which this is. I couldn‘t get through all the mushroom talk to get to the mysteries.

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Have I done much reading since Friday?!? No, no I have not because I‘ve totally distracted myself with the need to reorganize my bookshelves. Worked on my archaeology and history books today—as you can see, it‘s very much a work in progress. 😬😅

Classics: A Very Short Introduction | Mary Beard, John Henderson
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Interesting. Not so much about the Greeks and the Romans as about how the Greeks and Romans are the same as and different from us and the similarities and differences between the ways people have regarded them in different generations. A lot to get through in just 120 pages.