#nowreading The Thing Around Your Neck by #Chimamanda. #africanwriters #africanlit #favouriteauthor
#nowreading The Thing Around Your Neck by #Chimamanda. #africanwriters #africanlit #favouriteauthor
I'm already deeply in love with these characters ❤❤❤ Ugwu is my favorite so far, but there isn't a single thing I dind't like about the book until now. Can't wait to finish it 💖
#currentlyreading #Chimamanda #meiosolamarelo #halfofayellowsun #nigerianliterature #leituradodia #doquetenholido
Awesome book event with #chimamanda, hosted by #NPR Audie Cornish at #sixthandi. So many interesting things to say about gender, feminism, and the world.
A strong debut by #chimamanda . I love how beautifully the flaws and imperfections in characters are portrayed. It is a coming of age story mixed with religious and family sentiments. The ending was a bit rushed . But a good read.
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