#DecemberDreams Day 4: #LetItSnow on this tenerina chocolate cake - a delicacy in Ferrara in all its soft-moist glory. Nothing like it.
#DecemberDreams Day 4: #LetItSnow on this tenerina chocolate cake - a delicacy in Ferrara in all its soft-moist glory. Nothing like it.
#HumbleHarvest Day 23: #Gratitude for having this exquisite lunch in Ferrara today - one of the best I have ever eaten in Italia. Puff pastry with prosciutto and cheese -
Lots of cheese. 💕
#HumbleHarvest Day 19: Pistachio #Nuts in this pizza with buratta cheese, truffle oil, and prosciutto in our very first lunch in Bologna when we arrived yesterday from Sharjah (via Istanbul). Took the train to Ferrara this morning where we are now til Thursday. Naturally, I bring Italo Calvino with me while in Italy. 💕
Sitting in a cafe after having been caught in a summer shower seems an appropriate context for this read.
Currently reading an Italian classic. This edition has some fantastic artworks! #italian#classic#booklover#artworks#book#Calvino
I read this June 8-9 and gave it 3 stars on Good Reads. I was not a fan of this book but I could recognize Calvino‘s talent with words. That said I really liked the third story in the book “The Name, The Nose.”
Not sure what I think of this one so far. It‘s three short stories and I am halfway through the second story. Not sure if I like Calvino‘s writing or not. It reminds me of other writer‘s work.
Great, but all to short, journey with mr. Palomar. Thoughtfull insights in the art of describing life, earth, elements, charcuteri and cheese among others.
#calvino #cheese #beer #beerandbook #lifeonpaper