To diversify my reading in 2019, I randomly selected various challenges and put them into a book bingo! #bujolife #bujocommunity #bulletjournal #bujoinspo #bookbujo
To diversify my reading in 2019, I randomly selected various challenges and put them into a book bingo! #bujolife #bujocommunity #bulletjournal #bujoinspo #bookbujo
I read 87 books in 2018, a personal best, so I‘m going for 100 in 2019! #goodreadschallenge #bujolife #readingchallenge #bookbujo #bujotracker #bujoinspo #bujocommunity #goodreads
I have to share my spread for the upcoming week because it‘s just so “dog-gone” cute! It‘s in celebration of my favorite Mardi Gras parade coming up next weekend ... Barkus. Yes, Mardi Gras has gone to the dogs 😂💜💚💛 #bujo #weeklyspread #bujoinspire #bujocommunity #bulletjournal
I couldn‘t be more excited about how this week‘s layout turned out! I did it “icy” for this wintry weather we are having! ❄️🐻 #bujo2018 #bujoinspire #weeklyspread #bujocommunity #bujolife #bujolove #bulletjournal
This is one of my favorite new pages for 2018! It‘s sticky note to-do list pages - once the note is full, you pull it out & put a new one in. Hopefully it will help me get my !$&@ together. #bujo2018 #todolist #bujo #bujolove #bujolife #bujoinspire #bujocommunity #bulletjournal
I‘m collecting 365 Smiles in 2018 ... one for each day! #bujo #bujo2018 #bujolife #bujolove #bujocommunity #bujoinspire #bulletjournal
It was oddly satisfying to total up my sleep for 2017. I‘ve always loved statistics, lol. November was my most restful month, April my least! #bujo #bujo2017 #sleepon #bulletjournal #bujolove #bujolife #bujocommunity