Volume 18 was good! Things are moving hella fast as the stakes are reaching their ultimate climax. I feel like there's only going to be another few volumes with the finale around the corner. I really love watching how warped everyone's psyches are becoming, even the strongest of characters. 5/5.
#btooom18 #btooom #seinen #manga #psychological #action
Yes!!! The new volume came in today!! I forgot that I had this preordered hahaha. I'm obsessed with this series! It's like Battle Royale (the novel) meets The Hunger Games meets modern-day techno-Gladiator. I know that sounds very funky, but it works exceptionally well. The manga is unforgivably violent & while the plot elements feel cliched at times, it's fast-paced & very suspenseful!!
#manga #btooom #seinen #junyainoue #suspense
Finishing up volumes 14 & 15 tonight. I really love this manga series. It's quite violent, but really fascinating & fuelled by suspense, twisted characters, & an imaginative premise. Modern-day rendition of Battle Royale that's almost as psychological & conniving as the original novel. Every volume thus far, for me, is a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!
#manga #btooom14 #btooom! #comics #japanese #japanesebooks #graphicnovels #mangaseriea #seinen #otaku