"There was a vulture on the mailbox of my grandmother's house." #firstlinefridays @ShyBookOwl
Starting the ARC I picked up at work. #booksellerperks
"There was a vulture on the mailbox of my grandmother's house." #firstlinefridays @ShyBookOwl
Starting the ARC I picked up at work. #booksellerperks
#booksellerperks #booksellerlife
I am so excited about access to this #audiobook via Libro.fm!! I‘m a huge fan of Mallory‘s Reading Glasses podcast, and was SO glad when her familiar voice started reading to me. Makes working today MUCH better!! #booksellerperks
Excuse you, Miz Thang, may I have my book back, please??? 🙄🤦♀️
In other news, this is my first book for #25infive, and it‘s AMAZING! I looooove Seanan Maguire‘s use of language. It makes my heart sing.
(I will post a photo of the book when I‘ve wrestled it away from the Floof.)
#miyacatsprite #miyareads #booksellerperks
Bonus points to the publicity team at @hmhbooks for a STUNNING #arc mailing!!
Receiving this book feels a little bit like coming full circle: I remember meeting Robin LaFevers at my first bookstore job fifteen years ago before His Fair Assassin was even a thing. And now... 😍
#booksellerperks #arclove
After a truly horrible week (and it‘s only Wednesday 🙄), this going up on Edelweiss this morning DEFINITELY helps!
#booksellerperks #arclove
Beyond flattered to have been asked by an editor at Bloomsbury to read this manuscript and blurb the ARC. #booksellerperks