It‘s too hot to think, so I‘m enjoying this little read about 52 books that inspired films. Filled with trivia about both the page and the screen versions, it‘s fascinating. 😍 #buthaveyoureadthebook #frompagetoscreen #bookormovie #thebookwasbetter
It‘s too hot to think, so I‘m enjoying this little read about 52 books that inspired films. Filled with trivia about both the page and the screen versions, it‘s fascinating. 😍 #buthaveyoureadthebook #frompagetoscreen #bookormovie #thebookwasbetter
I needed a quick fix and found this audiobook, featuring one of the 8 perfect murders included in a recent release - a pretty good little noir! I didn't realize I have also seen the movie, but that's OK sometimes. Anyone have any strong feelings if the #bookormovie are better?
Book or movie? Which is better? We just watched the movie last night but I haven‘t even started the book. Starting it right after Christmas!!!
#birdbox #bookormovie #reader #readharder #trytobehappy #bookphotography #bookobsessed #bookhoarder #bookstagram #bookaholic #bookish #bookworm #kindle #booker #books #happyreading
I found this book at a book sale this week and now am ignoring my responsibilities to read it. I've only ever seen the movie. #bookormovie #notresponsible #classics