It‘s too hot to think, so I‘m enjoying this little read about 52 books that inspired films. Filled with trivia about both the page and the screen versions, it‘s fascinating. 😍 #buthaveyoureadthebook #frompagetoscreen #bookormovie #thebookwasbetter
It‘s too hot to think, so I‘m enjoying this little read about 52 books that inspired films. Filled with trivia about both the page and the screen versions, it‘s fascinating. 😍 #buthaveyoureadthebook #frompagetoscreen #bookormovie #thebookwasbetter
A intricate story of family, capturing events to braid them neatly together to show how innocent lies and meaningful advice can be the spark of a simple, and dangerous, idea.
This was quite the fast-paced, twisty, thrill ride. All of these characters are very flawed and refreshing. The audio narration was excellently produced. Highly recommended. Now to keep from spoiling it for my husband! #frompagetoscreen