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I‘m a few days late announcing the winner of my #big10K #giveaway but better late than never, right?

The lucky winner is (drumroll) @Eggs 📚🎉😀
Email your mailing address to ladybee@gmail.com and I‘ll send your three books!

Thank you to everyone who entered, told me about fun/hilarious/brilliant costumes, & helped celebrate my milestone!

Eggs Oh my gosh!! That‘s fabulous news!! How wonderful! Thank you so much 🥰🥰. Love the kitty camouflage 5y
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Two days left to enter my #Giveaway! I‘ll send 3 surprise books to one lucky Litsy member on November 5. Open internationally!

To enter, repost or comment & tell me about your Halloween costume. If you didn‘t dress up this year, tell me about your favorite Halloween costume from childhood, or what you would be if you were going to dress up.

Don‘t forget to tag me @REPollock & include the hashtag #big10k

Untitled | Unknown
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My Halloween costume this year will be a cat onesie. The costume looks very similar to my real life cat Daisy!
Congrats on your 10k Litfluence!

REPollock I love the cat onesie! Did you buy it or make it? 5y
juls29 @REPollock got it at Walmart :) 5y
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The Rocky Horror Picture Show | Richard O'Brien, Barry Bostwick, Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Jim Sharman
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@REPollock congrats on 10k!
This I‘ll be one of my costumes this Halloween!!

JoScho 🖤🖤🖤 5y
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@REPollock I‘m working this Halloween but my favorite costume was as Winter. My college roommates and I dressed as each of the seasons and made beautiful wreaths for our hair, and I wore a crocheted white dress with snowflakes painted on my cheeks. We won first place.
Congrats on your 10,000! Cheers to the next 10,000. #big10k

REPollock The seasons costume idea is great!! 5y
Chrissyreadit @REPollock it was many years ago but so much fun! 5y
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Giveaway | Carolyn Finlay
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Thanks @REPollock for this opportunity!!

My costume this year is 50s poodle skirt/saddle shoes: boring but easy and the little ones like it.

Costumes I‘ve made for my daughters and grands: bag of jelly beans, night sky, fall tree, Pebbles, dead hippie—that‘s all I can remember

As a child my fave was Tinkerbell 🧚🏻‍♀️


JanuarieTimewalker13 I got pink highlights for October!! That‘s my costume!! It makes my old lady hair look cool. Lol I like silver and pink🌸 5y
REPollock Bag of jelly beans! I love this! 5y
TheSpineView I love homemade costumes. Too bad I am not handy with a sewing machine. That's great that you make your kids/grand kids costumes! 5y
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Eggs @JanuarieTimewalker13 Post a pic of your coif!!!!! 5y
Eggs @REPollock @TheSpineView I have pix somewhere in my phone...will post if I ever find them 5y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Haha...NO way!! My hair is perennially a mess! And I still have yesterday‘s makeup on!! Lol. The older I get, the less I like my photo taken!! 5y
JanuarieTimewalker13 A dead hippie??? Hahahaha 5y
Eggs Perhaps I should have said zombie/undead hippie😂😂 @JanuarieTimewalker13 5y
Eggs PS: Be glad you‘re not ancient like me !! Crypt keeper !! 😂😂😂 But if it‘s for the Christmas card or other noteworthy occasion , I get busy with the face editing app (wrinkles, sags, bags, )etc @JanuarieTimewalker13 5y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Omg, I‘m the worst. I cancelled Christmas about 15 years ago. No more gifts. I kept doing Christmas cards for a few years, then they went. Lol I only give to charities at Christmas. I think that‘s what Jesus would like, and I KNOW that‘s what I like. I‘m uncertain how this world works, even though I‘ve been here for 57 years. So I toss out the norms and do what feels right. 5y
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Still plenty of time to enter my #Giveaway! I‘ll send 3 surprise books to one Litsy member on November 5. Open internationally!

To enter, repost or comment & tell me about your Halloween costume. If you aren‘t going to dress up this year, tell me about your favorite Halloween costume from childhood, or what you would be if you were going to dress up.

Don‘t forget to tag me @REPollock & include the hashtag #big10k

Charlotte's Web | E. B. White
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The last Halloween party I went to was in 2016. It‘s not a big thing in Australia. My step daughters and I went as spiders and big daddy was Spider-Man.

LapReader @Clwojick my favourite costume. 5y
Clwojick Cute! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awwww ❤️❤️ 5y
brit91 So cute!! 5y
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Witchwild | Emma Fischel
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@REPollock #big10k Congratulations my literary friend 👏🏻👏🏻💕

I was never a big Halloween fan .... although I loved dressing up as a child & still do.
I remember being a witch & that was fun.
Thankyou for this fab giveaway 👍🏻♥️

Giveaway | Carolyn Finlay
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#Big10K @REPollock congratulations on 10K #litfluence and thank you for this generous giveaway!

For Halloween this year, I'm just going to go for simple. Just going to get some cat ears headband, a cat tail, wear some black clothes with some cute knee high boots and paint my face up kitty style lol. I LOVE dressing up for Halloween and I usually go all out but this year has been a tough one so just keeping it simple, cheap, easy.

REPollock A black cat is always a good costume. (Said the black cat mom of Riley who is equal parts tricks and treats.) 🖤 5y
InBooksILive @REPollock black cats have always been my favorite! 😊 they always seem to be the biggest tricksters haha 5y
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