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Back from the Dead | Bill Walton
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I‘m going to post this today for #TuesdayTunes as he was, perhaps, the most well-known lover of the Grateful Dead. He was a friend of my dear friend and I was so blessed to have known him (just a little). Such a kind man…so full of life and positivity. Rock on in heaven, Bill Walton. RIP



dabbe 😢 He was one of the greatest players ever. His son played basketball at U of A, my alma mater. I adored him as a commentator. 4d
Read4life Kind, genuine & an immense talent at so many things. 4d
Deblovestoread 💜💜💜 4d
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TieDyeDude ❤ Thanks for sharing! 🤘 4d
Leftcoastzen Thanks for posting! What an amazing talent as a player & a commentator! His spirit and humor always made me happy. The universe is diminished without him. My friend & I were texting when I saw the news , he said it felt like he got the wind knocked out of him when he heard . (edited) 4d
AmyG @Leftcoastzen Yeah, I was shocked. I called my friend and he didn‘t know it got that bad. He said at least Bill got to see Dead & Co at the Sphere opening weekend. Such a loss. 4d
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Slam! | Walter Dean Myers
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Greg “Slam” Harris is 17 and his life is the basketball court, where he reigns! But his academics suffer, and his attitude toward them is no better. Myers navigates the dramatic struggle of a teen at the crossroads of his future…


DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 1mo
Eggs @DieAReader 🤩🥰😊 1mo
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I have reviews to finish up for March but was side tracked today by watching the NC State Women‘s basketball team beat Texas to make it to the Final Four. Then watch the Men‘s team beat Duke to make it to the Final Four. After a sometimes frustrating season (especially for the men‘s team) as a fan it‘s been so exciting to see them both make it so far. And as an alumni this is so amazing. Go Pack ❤️🐺🏀 & Why Not Us? Thinking of Coach Jimmy V

GinaKButler This ECU Pirate was cheering for you! ❤️🖤 2mo
dabbe Rooting for them all the way! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
ncsufoxes @GinaKButler my sister went to ECU 2mo
RamsFan1963 Even though my Men's bracket is a mess, NC State is still there and they're my pick to win it all. On the women's side, I have to root for my team, South Carolina. 2mo
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Thanks for the tag @dabbe !

1. The Metamorphosis (Kafka)
2. The Nose (Gogol)
3. The Double (Dostoevsky)

Tag @RaeLovesToRead @BarbaraBB @IuliaC @CBee

RaeLovesToRead Hmm... tricky. My memory is bad for short stories. 2mo
dabbe #1: “As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect.” 😱 #'s 2 and 3: now on my tbr. And, Dostoevsky actually wrote a SHORT story? I'm trying to get through THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV with the #hashtagbrigade, and boy has it been a looooonnnnngggggg slog! Thanks for playing. 💚💙💚 2mo
The_Penniless_Author @dabbe Oh yeah, Dostoevsky's complete short stories was one of the first books I ever owned. I don't know why, but I was obsessed with Russian classics in high school (including The Brothers Karamazov 😄). 2mo
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dabbe @The_Penniless_Author And you actually liked it? Is there still hope for me, yet? 🤩😃😂 2mo
The_Penniless_Author @dabbe Loved it. Not as much as Crime and Punishment, but C&P has a much lower barrier to entry. I remember getting to The Grand Inquisitor chapter and having my mind blown. 🤯🤣 I'm glad I read it at that age where new ideas - and art and music and everything else - hit their hardest. 2mo
dabbe @The_Penniless_Author Good to know. I'm hanging in there! 🤩 2mo
IuliaC Thanks for the tag 2mo
IuliaC The Metamorphosis, definitely! I'm adding the ones by Gogol and Dostoiesvki to my list 👍 2mo
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Here‘s my March #bookspinbingo list! A good amount of leftovers from previous months, some new additions to enjoy, all in all a mixed back of genres and formats. Now let‘s see what I actually read 🤣!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3mo
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⭐️⭐️⭐️ Runstedtler, a former Raptors dancer, is an award-winning African-American History scholar. She covers the 70s, fraught with difficulties, which saw the merger of the ABA and NBA, and the post-desegregation challenges that followed. Often cited for negativity, but not the positive influences that have shaped the league as it presently stands. This well-researched, but at times meandering book, highlights both. Favorite cover of the year!!

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“You could almost hear the nation gasp.“


I think this book would be best for middle- upper elementary grades.Through rhythmic prose and vibrant illustrations, this book becomes a jubilant tribute to the excellence, benevolence, and tenacity embodied by this extraordinary team


Explore the real-life narrative of the Harlem Globetrotters, the squad that revolutionized the sport of basketball. Within the pages of “Swish!“ awaits the remarkable tale of the Harlem Globetrotters, who showcased the most revolutionary and awe-inspiring basketball the world had ever witnessed.


“Back home, the Harlem Globetrotters were named 'America's Ambassadors of Goodwill'“This quote shows the difference that Harlem Globetrotters made.