It‘s day seven of #bannedbooksweek2019 and I thought I‘d finish it with Beloved. The crimes that got this book challenged are slavery & violence. So I guess someone thought that the depiction of slavery is not positive enough? WTF?
It‘s day seven of #bannedbooksweek2019 and I thought I‘d finish it with Beloved. The crimes that got this book challenged are slavery & violence. So I guess someone thought that the depiction of slavery is not positive enough? WTF?
It‘s day six of #bannedbooksweek2019. Today I thought I‘d go with two nonfiction books from my TBR. #InColdBlood has been challenged due to #violence, #sexualcontent, and #obscenelanguage. #NickelandDimed crimes are #drugs, #inaccurate, #offensivelanguage, #politicalviewpoint, and #religiousviewpoint . #standforthebanned
P.S. Why, yes! That is indeed my #bannedbooks mug from #theunemployedphilosophersguild. I love their bookish goodies. 😬😁😎
It‘s day five of #bannedbooksweek2019. And here is yet another series that gets people worked up. This series has been challenged due to #religiousviewpoint, #darkthemes&violence, and #unsuitedtoagegroup. #bannedbooks #bannedbooksweek #standforthebanned
Ready to do a reading from this book for our college's Banned Books Week event. #CollinReadsBannedBooks #BannedBooksWeek2019
It‘s day four of #bannedbooksweek2019. This is a YA novel that I read for a reading challenge a few years ago. (I 💓 reading challenges because they do push me out of my reading comfort zone and that‘s a good thing!) This book has been challenged due to #offensivelanguage. 🙄🙄🙄.
It‘s day three of #bannedbooksweek2019. #FunHome has been challenged due to #violence & #othergraphicimages. #lgbtq
"Censorship leaves us in the dark. Keep the light on."
In honor of Banned Books Week 2019 and ALA's valiant efforts to promote and protect our right to read ANY book we want!! No matter what...
#books #bannedbooks #BannedBooksWeek2019 #censorship #readbannedbooks
It‘s day two of #bannedbooksweek2019. This book has been challenged due to #religiousthemes. What that all means I don‘t know. What I do know is this book makes me cry. #TheLovelyBones #AliceSebold #bannedbooks
It‘s #bannedbooksweek2019. Can you believe that Harry Potter is still being challenged? #bannedbooks