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4 weeks post ankle sprain and I'm back on my bike! At least on my indoor trainer. It counts. Pedaling actually hurts less than walking so go figure. Feels good to be sweating again. Listening to this memoir about adoption for my in person book club--it's pretty intriguing, an inside look at the very complicated emotions of family, self, and belonging. #audiocycle

JennyM Glad to hear you are healing well and slowly getting back into it 6y
LauraBeth 🙌🙌 6y
readordierachel Good for you! 6y
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VeganCleopatra I just sprained my ankle for the first time yesterday and I already miss working out. 😢 6y
valeriegeary @VeganCleopatra oh no!!! It's the worst! So sorry to hear you're going through the pain too. This is my 3rd sprain. I recommend not jumping into intense exercise too quickly, and make a consistent strength training/PT plan (neither of which I did the first 2 times). Once you sprain it, the ligaments are weak and it's easy to do it again. 😫😭 Hope you start to feel better soon! 6y
VeganCleopatra Thanks! Mind if I pick your brain a bit about it? Like when did your swelling go down if you had swelling? When did you start any exercise? Strength training program, good idea. Any recommendations for that? Did ibuprofen etc by any chance help you? Oh and do you have a type of brace you think works best? Sorry about so many questions! I'm really hating this and it has only been a little over 24 hours! Ugh (edited) 6y
valeriegeary @VeganCleopatra oh sure! It definitely varies. I've had 2 major and 1 minor. The minor swelling was minimal, I was able to bare weight the next day. For more major ones: ice is your friend. Ice and rest. My ankle was uncomfortably swollen for about 2 weeks this time around. It's still minimally swollen now after 4 but I can move it and bare weight. I didn't walk on it really for a week after. Only to move rooms in my house.... 6y
valeriegeary @VeganCleopatra Urgent Care sent me home with a walking boot this time but I think it was a waste of money. If you can borrow one from someone it's nice to have the first week or so to hobble around. Otherwise crutches are just as good of an option, and cheaper. I used ibuprofen during the first 3 days when it hurt the most, mostly for pain. It doesn't really help heal, but it keeps your mind off the ache..... 6y
valeriegeary @VeganCleopatra Start writing the alphabet with your toes as soon as you feel comfortable. It's a great ROM exercise that is gentle but will help heal and get you moving again. Basically pretend there is a piece of chalk on your toe and write the letters in the air. Go as slow as you need to. I found other exercises on line, on youtube and my doctor gave me some. Basically it's up to you when to get back into your routine... 6y
valeriegeary @VeganCleopatra but for me, it was about 2 weeks before I did any walking more than around the block, 3 when I tried swimming, 4 when I got back on my bike. I haven't returned to running or my other sports and probably won't for another few weeks. Did you go see a doctor? They might have some other recommendations. But really, let yourself rest as much as you can. I know it's frustrating, but sprains take forever to heal. Mine is still painful 6y
valeriegeary @VeganCleopatra right now I'm using a lace up sports brace when I go on walks or ride my bike because my ankle feels weak still and this brace seems to be pretty supportive. I'll wear it when I get back into volleyball too. Simple Ace bandages are good too for the first few weeks. Hope that helps some! Unfortunately there's not a lot to heal a sprain but time and rest. 😢 6y
VeganCleopatra Thanks so much for your thoughtful responses! Ugh I'm a terrible rester! I get antsy and just want to be doing something active. That is probably going to be my biggest hurtle: resting enough so I don't slow my own healing or make it worse. I didn't go to the doctor because I'm pretty positive it is thankfully just minor but holy crap minor even sucks. I can put weight on it so that makes me feel better about it all. 6y
VeganCleopatra I definitely have swelling and I really wonder how long it will last. I do so love the cankle look haha I'm glad to hear the range of swelling time because otherwise if this lasted more than a few days I'd be really worried. I have a high pain tolerance so that is another reason I worry I'll try to do too much. 🙄 (edited) 6y
VeganCleopatra That alphabet exercise is great! It'll help my sanity when I'm made to sit in one place too. Haha what do you suggest searching for on YouTube specifically? Like what keywords? If I can't do my normal routines at least I can help myself heal right? Argh. I'm just hoping I'll still be able to do snowshoeing in February as planned! Do you have a specific ace bandage you feel works best for support etc during the first weeks? There are so many! 6y
VeganCleopatra Did you ice as long as you were swollen or stop after a few days? Thank you so much, you've genuinely soothed some of my nerves. 6y
valeriegeary You're welcome! If you can bear weight already you're doing great! But one reason to take your time with exercise is to avoid reinjury. Ice during first 48 hours, then ice as needed, and alternate heat. No specific brand of Ace, just what the doctor gave me. Look up ankle sprain physical therapy.... That should get you to some good videos. If you have free weights you could always do bicep curls to keep you busy! 💪😄 6y
valeriegeary @VeganCleopatra forgot to tag you ☝️☝️ If you can get up and down off the floor without hurting yourself, crunches and ab work are good distractions too while you wait for the ankle to heal. Here's to swift healing and snowshoeing in February! 🤞 (I'm hoping to get in some snowshoeing before the season ends too.) 6y
valeriegeary @VeganCleopatra the lace up brace I got is a Shock Doctor model 849. 6y
VeganCleopatra Thanks again! My ankle and foot look awful but are feeling slightly improved. I'm definitely going to be trying some ab and free weight stuff to maintain my sanity. I've considered pilates since it is all mostly on the floor but I don't know if all the moves would be liked by my ankle right now. I've gotten a brace that I hope will help. I'm really enjoying all the limping around I'm getting to do. Fun stuff! 😩 here's to us both healing! 6y
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Crux | Jean Guerrero
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Early Christmas present from my hubby! An indoor trainer! It turns my road bike into a stationary so I can get in some pedaling during the rainy season! Hello #audiocycle!!

The book I'm listening to now is a memoir, an intimate portrait of a Mexican-American family, they're history, & the affects of a father's mental illness on his daughters. Powerful story, lovely writing. #diversereads

CouronneDhiver Nice 👍🏽 6y
LauraBeth Oooohh - that‘s a great gift! 🚴‍♀️ 6y
Reviewsbylola 🚲 🚲 🚲 6y
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Christine Excellent! And so glad you‘re reading and enjoying this one - I loved it, and it‘s been well-received locally here in San Diego, but I‘ve been hoping for it to make a bigger splash elsewhere. 6y
valeriegeary @Christine I feel like I've read a lot of similar memoirs this year.... Where the parents are a bit messed up (whose aren't? 😆) And this one might be my favorite of the lot. I love the circular memories and how she intertwines her family history with her own coming of age. It's lovely and heartbreaking. 6y
JennyM Very cool 🚲 6y
Christine Haha yes, me too re: the messed-up parents memoirs...really that is one of my most-read sub-genres! 😛 But I agree, this one stands out. 6y
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